/ Return on investment /
I.e. in total 0 € (gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Year |
0 € |
0 € |
0 € |
0 € |
0 € |
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.
/ Presentation /
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48,000 deaths per year in France from air pollution, 90% of which are fine particles from brakes, tire rubber, bitumen, but also more than 3,000 deaths recorded by road safety.
A microlight capable of taking off vertically like a multicopter of less than 20m² to take off from your garden, a roof terrace, a parking space to switch to airplane mode with a cockpit stabilized like a camera pod but for passengers and move up to 200km/h for 2 hours without taxiing on the ground and its losses, its risks of collision and the nuisances to the environment and to the inhabitants on the ground.
With our two-seater heVTOL ULM, we are responding to the need for all-terrain, carbon-free mobility, beyond the first 20 kilometers (to relieve congestion on our roads and leave more room for soft mobility) for health, emergencies, in short, use cases ranging from cars to helicopters (excluding helicopter winching).
Our customers: By responding to the door-to-door transport uses reserved for automobiles and helicopters, our airline customers, ULM company and association (a decree should allow passenger transport this year), civil and private emergency companies, on health, safety, tourism, logistics through their aeronautical experience (while waiting for industrialization to reduce the cost of our devices) will finally be able to transport you from your initial departure point to your final arrival point, finally pilots and technicians will be able to take off and land from their garden, from an area of less than 20m².
Already nicknamed “flying car”, our vehicle will soon be available in car dealerships between a convertible and a sports or utility vehicle, as one of our competitors “Xpeng” already does.
Automated flight, ease of piloting, increased safety, environmental protection, sobriety and speed, the disruption already underway will surpass that of crypto and AI, we are already revolutionizing the way of building a flying device with our stabilized nacelle like Louis Blériot, Clément Ader, André Citroën and Louis Renault more than a century ago.
Our innovation consists of offering a more efficient solution than the automobile (70% carbon-free fuel savings, 60% time savings, -8.4 TeqCO2 per vehicle compared to a hybrid car), less expensive than the helicopter, more accessible than aviation (ULM category pilotable from 15 years old, 20 hours of practice), more secure (automated/assisted vertical takeoff/landing, parachute nacelle, electronically assisted flight, automatic stabilized nacelle, GPS programming for possible automated flight, GPS marking) and better identifiable, we will become with “FlyCopter” the new reference for mobility, the maximum impact being aerial. (birds are the largest migrants in the world, it is the least impactful mode of travel).
Help Flycopter Project take flight! Our start-up based in Lannion, in the Côtes-d’Armor, is looking to raise at least €10,000 to finance the full-scale demonstrator of the carbon-free two-seater heVTOL ULM with a stabilized nacelle. (seed and dilutive guarantee from Initiative Tregor, banks, the region, etc.).
3 good reasons to invest in “FlyCopter Project SAS”:
– Our team led by a woman recognized RQTH specialized in international trade.
– The bearer of the innovation of the stabilized nacelle, adapted to people and allowing to solve the problem of the flight transition.
– As well as all the partners, advisors, consultants, volunteers, experts, pilots, industrialists who participate in the project.
It is now that VTOLs are developing and that we must fight against climate change, air pollution and to open up territories while limiting the use of asphalting and concreting, the artificialization of our living spaces and nature. New technologies bring us new opportunities for new transport vehicles that have evolved little over the past century.
A market is opening up with soft land and air mobility, it is normal for us to associate you with the income that will be generated by a financial counterpart in royalties from our first profits, in addition to being pioneers in aviation like Blériot and Ader in their time, you will also help to develop the sector in France between the automobile and aeronautics industries to perpetuate sovereign jobs of tomorrow in France.
Financial forecast
Return on investment
In exchange for your investment, you will receive a share of FlyCopter Project SAS’s turnover every quarter for 5 years. All investors will receive 3% of the turnover for a maximum of €500,000 invested in this first round. Your share will be proportional to your investment.
You can also pre-order a device, letters of intent are already available on our website or from our services or join our teams as an associate, partner, advisor, consultant, service provider or volunteer.
We have not yet achieved any turnover, FlyCopter PRoject SAS was founded on August 10, 2023, but we have obtained a Nokia grant, we are French Tech Tremplin and Emergys Bretagne winners following our POC TRL4/5 (reduced size) and validated partnerships with the CTDO (Centre Technique Drone Ouest) with the Lannion aerodrome, our incubators Anticipa Lannion and IMT Brest (Institut des Mines Telecom Atlantique), IUT Lannion, ESDAC Rennes and ESTACA Laval. We need 10 customers for the first sales in 2025, perhaps you will be one of these privileged ones, we have in any case planned to question “Solar Impulse Foundation” again from the TRL9 stage, the full-scale functional demonstrator in the world premiere France Bretagne and launch the commercial campaign.
Details of financing requirements
R&D (3 birds+1 vertidome) | 550000€ |
Commercial + operating costs | 450000€ |
pre-series of 10 birds | 1000000€ |
TOTAL | 2000000€ |
FlyCopter Project SAS is a simplified joint stock company created in August 2023 with a share capital of €20,000. It is represented by Fabiola Thibaudeau who holds 51% of the company’s shares and Alain Thibaudeau 49%.
In addition to the sustainable impacts brought by the two-seater heVTOL ULM solution, we take our CSR policy to heart with the purpose of “giving you wings”, with mixed and adapted jobs, training and eco-design of our products.

Positive impacts
The mission of FlyCopter Project SAS is to give you wings.
Our values are diversity, training, environment.
►Economic development and employment
6 sustainable direct jobs will have been created by our activity and as many indirectly in projection over 5 years.
10 companies will have been able to develop thanks to our activity because we wish to subcontract accounting, automation, composite manufacturing, mechanical welding, wiring, assembly, maintenance, transport, import/export trading, communication…
This is a minimum estimate, we are impacting a new market and a new sector, an extension of the automobile with outlets in light and heavy commercial aviation, our concept of stabilized nacelle is already revolutionizing traditional aeronautical architecture as stabilized cameras on drones have revolutionized cinema.
There is no reason why equipment should be treated better than human beings, we also have the right to be transported in stabilized and secure nacelles 😉
►Local economic resilience
10 in 2025, 20 in 2026, 40 in 2027, 80 in 2028, 160 in 2029, i.e. 290 customers in 5 years will have been able to trade locally thanks to our product. This represents €58M in direct flow.
To achieve this, we favor short-circuit partnerships to facilitate management, reduce lead times and costs.
We are developing primarily in the northwest, even if the market is international.
The gains for our partners are obvious on the generated market, for our customers and users it is 60% time saving and 70% energy saving, I let you estimate your potential gains, not to mention the lives saved by rapid interventions of doctors, experts, for transport of organ donations, blood tests, exfiltrations from risky or landlocked areas, and the savings on non-deployed infrastructures (40 billion / year in France for maintenance and new transport infrastructures). The use of bio-ethanol and biomethane fuel participating in the development of our local hydrogen and methane sectors by the recovery of our waste and the capture of CO2, in addition to a decarbonized electricity sector.
►Encouragement of innovation
Already more than 40 post-baccalaureate students for 2024 have worked on the Bird to obtain their diplomas.
We are looking for partners and researchers with whom to innovate thanks to our products, a partnership with a laboratory (49sud for example) will allow us a Deeptech categorization, we are already Lowtech and Greentech. The first flight of the demonstrator will be a world first, many patent filings are possible.
To do this, we favor open source work and we authorize researchers to publish their results and studies, we work with many schools (IUT Lannion, IMT Atlantique, ESDAC Rennes, ESTACA Laval and Paris-Saclay, …) with institutional partners (French Tech, BPI, CTDO, Lannion aerodrome, the Brittany region, Anticipa, …), we have solicited the largest industrialists Airbus, Dassault, Solidworks, Siemens, and as our market is global, we are open to the international with LJ1D for example.
To facilitate the exploitation and innovative developments around our products, we have chosen open source which allows us to protect our innovations worldwide but also shared developments with the recognition of copyright, possible reuse but the prohibition of commercial uses without our agreement. CC4.0 BY NC SA
FlyCopter also works close to you with the Fablabs of Chemilllé “Le Boc@l”, but also the Fablab of Lannion.
We work to innovate and develop our mobility, we campaign for new infrastructure solutions and for solutions without new infrastructures, it is industry, innovation and infrastructures according to the UN and Sustainable Development Goal No. 9.
►Economic efficiency
Our customers will be able to save and optimize their activities with our products.
For this, we estimate an energy saving of 70% compared to a hybrid car with a time saving of 60%. What is the cost of transporting your salespeople and technicians to your company, reduce it by half?
It is also the extension of door-to-door mobility, the extension of decarbonized transport from the initial point to the final point, even in areas inaccessible to cars or helicopters, no need for road infrastructure, no need for half a football field to land, 20m² is enough, for a helicopter on the ground we can have 4 FlyCopter Bird. The annual budget is more than €40 billion per year in France for infrastructure.
A FlyCopter also means easier maintenance compared to a helicopter, a reduced purchase cost, and easier access to piloting with a ULM license when there is a shortage of LAPL or PPL pilots.
Imagine discovering the best tourist viewpoints in your region by air, or to reach your hotel, your airport, with a simple ULM license (20 hours of practice, €2,000 per license)
Saving time also means faster emergency interventions, lives saved. Each life saved is priceless.
2 letters of intent received for a total of 11 aircraft, these sales remain to be contracted for a total of €2.2M for 2025.
We are working to make our travel more efficient, less consuming, we use electric and decarbonized and local bio-sourced energies to develop the growth of clean and affordable energy according to the UN and Sustainable Development Goal No. 7.
►Working conditions
290 people and as many passengers will have benefited from a 60% time saving in their working conditions thanks to our products over the next 5 years.
To do this, we will avoid traffic jams, slowdowns, traffic lights, and detours with, for example, emergency services, salespeople, microlight pilots, technicians and travel experts, doctors or nurses transporting organ donations.
It is also a comfort and more safety, and quickly automatic flights allowing other tasks to be accomplished in flight. We lose on average 2 years of our life in transport, how much is 1 year gained from your life worth?
We are improving the living conditions of many people by reducing fine particles from road traffic (80% of air pollution), reducing the saturation of ground transport, reducing noise impact, and helping to open up areas without having to create new roads with the most negative visual impact and impact on the biodiversity of fauna and flora.
We are working to improve the transport and our cities of tomorrow, it is the sustainable cities and communities of tomorrow for which we provide new solutions according to the UN and Sustainable Development Goal No. 11.
►Access to employment
50% of employment of people with disabilities, already at least 1 person with a disability will have accessed employment more easily thanks to our activity within 5 years, potentially 3 directly and as many indirectly.
For this we have left the presidency to Fabiola Thibaudeau to represent women entrepreneurs and for her disability which requires a position adapted for walking and chronic fatigue, a way of anticipating inclusion with our employees, partners and customers. Getting around is a vital need and too often a barrier to employment, mobility is a major issue for employment and inclusion.
A charter is currently being drawn up, we would like to include new dilutive shareholders and modify our statutes to include ESS and impact commitments.
Our products will respond to disability issues such as one-handed piloting directly on our Bird and upcoming versions for wheelchairs for example (see our JAP ambulance model for the future).
The ULM can be flown from the age of 15, 20 hours of practice with the BIA, it does not require a medical examination or renewal, a qualification for carrying people is possible with an additional 20 hours, for taxi-type transport from point A to B professional there is a decree in the pipeline which will require a medical certificate.
►Living conditions
The bird must allow access to emergency services such as hospitals in countries with undeveloped infrastructure such as in Africa or Oceania, when the desert or the ocean isolates certain territories such as in peri-urban areas in France or in the French overseas territories.
To do this, we make landlocked territories, conflict zones, devastated by a disaster, protected, steep, ZFE, steep like islands or countries without road infrastructure accessible to populations that are poorly served or far from urban centers and suitable transport.
The FlyCopter Bird is designed for increased autonomy and speed for a maximum range of 400km, with increased comfort and safety with the ballistic parachute, with automated assisted flight, the pilot will also be able to focus on the rescued passenger, 80 to 90% of ambulance transports and rapid interventions concern people able to sit up (https://www.fnataxi.fr/le-transport-assis-professionnalise) at a cost of €3 billion
With our product, we are fighting against the inequality of territories in terms of transport, a vital need according to the UN and Sustainable Development Goal No. 10, we all have the right to access to fast and efficient means of transport, buses and trams cannot be deployed in sparsely populated areas, it would be neither profitable nor ecologically logical.
We hope to save lives.
►Resource Conservation
FlyCopter Bird compared to a hybrid car, it is 3 to 6 times less materials to produce per vehicle (344 kg empty max for a Bird against 1100 to 2000 kg for a car) and as much to recycle. It is less battery with a thermal generator running on bio-ethanol and carbon-compensated bio-methane and produced from waste.
In total it is 8.4 TeqCO2 per vehicle saved on the complete LCA, in total it is 2436T it is over 5 years of resources saved in aluminum, rare earths, lithium and other plastics, not counting the indirect resources of electricity production and water.
Without infrastructure, it is also a direct preservation of the environment by limiting the construction of new roads as provided for in the ZAN law (Zero Net Artificialization of Soils 2024), in France it is 20 to 30,000 hectares of land artificialized per year to develop transport.
►Protection of biodiversity
Flying means not crushing hedgehogs, not building new roads on a protected wetland or wooded area, an alternative to the automobile for door-to-door use with a flying microlight, it means protecting the fauna and flora on the ground, it means fighting against concreting, it means preserving intact biodiversity without hindering human personal travel.
All living beings, ecosystems and species on the ground will have been protected thanks to our products that do not roll on the ground.
To further preserve birds, we will integrate sound scarers on our devices.
We are working to reduce the impact of our transport on the environment by offering an alternative to the automobile and the construction of new roads by favoring clean air travel (The Arctic tern is the largest migratory bird in the world, proof of the effectiveness of this mode of travel) to preserve terrestrial life and ecosystems according to the UN and Sustainable Development Goal No. 15.
►Pollution reduction
8.4 TeqCO2 (full life cycle savings compared to a hybrid electric car) will have been avoided, i.e. 2436 TeqCO2 over a 5-year horizon.
For 290 vehicles in 5 years, this is therefore 2436 Tons of CO2 equivalent saved, estimated excluding infrastructure.
As a reminder, it is urgent to find solutions to combat climate change caused largely by CO2 emissions, of which transport is the largest emitter (+30% of global emissions).
3 polluting sources will have been avoided thanks to our products.
To do this, we are fighting against CO2 pollution with our decarbonized electric and hybrid bio-ethanol and bio-methane offset fuels, by reducing energy losses by 70% (30% of the energy losses of a car are due to the rolling of bitumen tires on dry roads), we are reducing the fine particles produced by tires on bitumen, and by brakes, and we are also fighting against noise pollution by casing our propellers and offering “vertidomes” to contain the noise during takeoff confined within the shared garage.
We are working to reduce our CO2 footprints linked to transport (which remains the most polluting sector) to fight against climate change according to the UN and Sustainable Development Goal No. 13.
►Eco-responsible product or service
2 products will have an alternative by our two-seater heVTOL ULM thanks to our activity. It is a more sustainable and eco-designed alternative compared to the automobile and the helicopter.
580 people will have been encouraged to adopt eco-responsible behavior.
For this we believe that flying over nature will initiate a change of behavior, point of view, philosophy on the place of man in the environment.
Finally, air travel is the safest mode of transport in the world. As a reminder, in France, there are 5,300 deaths on the roads each year and many injuries, including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, animals knocked over, birds hit, etc. Traveling by air means avoiding obstacles, being able to get around permanent or temporary dangerous areas. We are planning automated phases to reduce human error, and being able to land with a parachute attached to the aircraft in the event of an ultimate emergency, as is already adaptable to all ULMs on the market.
To conclude, 280,000 annual deaths in France are attributed to air pollution, 80% of which are PF (Fine Particles), which are dust from tires, asphalt, and brakes. However, by eliminating the use of our vehicles, we eliminate these polluting sources. QED.
► Economic level
- Internal governance
With a woman recognized as RQTH at the head of the company, we want a charter and the addition of impact and CSR criteria, see ESS in our future statutes with our next founding shareholders.
We are developing a new company and a new mobility, we want it to be responsible, we have already set up a strategic board.

In the mobility market, we position ourselves as a supplier of innovative solutions.
The ULM market represents a confidential volume of products per year (Our competitors record sales of several hundred devices per year, there is not yet on the market a two-seater heVTOL ULM offer requested by the majority of pilots) and a value of 2.3 billion euros in France alone (services included). The market is growing by 1050% per year according to Deloitte, driven by innovations in VTOL.
Our customers are pilots through companies, institutions, groups.
FlyCopter Project SAS differentiates itself from its competitors by innovative, disruptive solutions with a unique impact in the world.
- FlyCopter “Bird” the first carbon-free two-seater heVTOL ULM with a stabilized nacelle will be sold in 2025 at a starting price of €200,000 excluding VAT each excluding options.
- The “bird” is characterized by a vertical takeoff and landing, compact to take off in less than 20m², the wing and the propellers capable of pivoting 90° allow to reach 200km/h in maximum speed, with its batteries and its bio-ethanol bio-methane thermal generator the autonomy is 2 hours of flight, the aircraft is designed for the French ULM and American LSA regulations.
- Communication is done on our website, our social networks such as Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, by traditional and specialized press and in person at selected strategic trade fairs.
- The project relies on the internal and external skills of the French and Breton team and ecosystem, the concepts are open sources for protection and global commercial exploitation.
- Our partners are the CTDO and the Lannion Aerodrome, Anticipa, IMT Atlantique Brest, the Brittany region, our suppliers are international groups such as T-motor, Siemens, Dassault system, Nokia, DJI, Parrot, Pixhawk, Konner Sauhner, etc…
- We want to be part of the 1000 solar impulse foundation solutions and their financial support, labeled communication, an active partnership to decarbonize transport.
- The project’s development prospects are at least a production doubled each year by outsourced services, a global development, a diversification of models and innovations with the “vertidôme”, an electric all-terrain monowheel, “Birds” specialized in gendarmerie, ambulance, firefighter, single-seater, 4-seater developments, for PMR. We develop and supply the best solutions, the best vehicles so that our customers can provide you with their best services.
- Our future ambitions are an industrialization with automotive partners for an increase in production and a reduction in costs, for more economic, environmental and human impacts. The ambitions of the project depend on investments, the difficult to estimate market covers the uses of the automobile to certain uses of the helicopter. Our ambition is to become the reference for VTOL ULM, the FlyCopter.
- Today, our customers are transport professionals for maximum security, tomorrow the vehicles will be accessible to individuals in B2B2C for ownership, rental, in short personal or shared transport, we have already anticipated with the shared garage “Vertidome” as an essential complementary product for your next sustainable and responsible investments.
BIRD funding via We Do Good by FlyCopter Project SAS planned from November to March 2025.

Financial data
Target profitabilityx3,00 en 5 ans (+200,00 % raw)Risk of full loss of investment, maximum gain: x3 Minimum gain as long as the company is in business: x1,15 |
Royalties paid quarterly3,00 % maximum% of turnover paid to all investors, for 500 000,00 € raised, proportional to the amount raised |
Revenues and funding project
We have already gathered 30 500,00 €
Subvention Nokia : 8000€
French Tech Tremplin 2024 : 22500€
Over the 12 months preceding the fundraising, we achieved 30 500,00 € in turnover.
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |
Number of sales | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160 |
Projected revenue | 2 000 000,00 € | 4 000 000,00 € | 8 000 000,00 € | 16 000 000,00 € | 32 000 000,00 € |
Your investment
By investing, you subscribe to FLYCOPTER PROJECT SAS for a royalty on the company's turnover, proportional to your investment. The total investors will receive 3,00 % from the turnover achieved each year for a fundraising of 500 000,00 €.
If FLYCOPTER PROJECT SAS realizes its forecast, the return for each investor will be 200,00 % gross to 5 years.
Calculate my return
What happens if the forecast is not reached?
In the event that the forecast is not reached after 5 years and the activity continues, FLYCOPTER PROJECT SAS will continue to pay the royalties until a return of 1,15 times the amount invested is reached.
When do payments start?
The Royalty is transferred over a period of 5 years from 01/04/2025 and will be paid to investors on a quarterly basis.
All these elements will appear in your contract during the investment.
See the standard contract
This contract is a model, it does not serve as a real contract.
Provisional payment schedule
Attention: these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It's up to you to evaluate the forecast and the strategy to estimate whether you can expect to earn more or less than the announced annual return.
Estimated compensation on income of: | Date of payment |
2025 | |
April, May, June | 15/07/2025 |
July, August, September | 15/10/2025 |
October, November, December | 15/01/2026 |
2026 | |
January, February, March | 15/04/2026 |
April, May, June | 15/07/2026 |
July, August, September | 15/10/2026 |
October, November, December | 15/01/2027 |
2027 | |
January, February, March | 15/04/2027 |
April, May, June | 15/07/2027 |
July, August, September | 15/10/2027 |
October, November, December | 15/01/2028 |
2028 | |
January, February, March | 15/04/2028 |
April, May, June | 15/07/2028 |
July, August, September | 15/10/2028 |
October, November, December | 15/01/2029 |
2029 | |
January, February, March | 15/04/2029 |
April, May, June | 15/07/2029 |
July, August, September | 15/10/2029 |
October, November, December | 15/01/2030 |
2030 | |
January, February, March | 15/04/2030 |
Risk factors
Key risk factors related to the activity and project
Risk related to the financial situation of the company
Currently, prior to the completion of the fundraising of this offer, the company does not have, with sufficient net working capital to meet its obligations and cash flow needs for the next 6 months.
Sources of funding under consideration in connection with the project presented for the next 6 months:
Précommande avec accompte à la commande sur les ventes.
Prêts d'honneur et bancaire avec initiative Tregor, Airbus, etc...
Aides et subventions à l'innovation par BPI France, French Tech et la région Bretagne.
AAP nationaux et européens.
Appels à mécénats privés et aux Business Angels.
Partenariats industriels et programmes de recherche type AIT, ONERA, etc...
Les facteurs de risques sont:
Erreur technique (25ans d'expérience en ingénierie, nombreux prestataires expert, possibilités de plusieurs démonstrateurs pour le droit à l'erreur, de nombreux verrous levés par la concurrence, toutes les briques existent...)
Erreur commerciale et stratégique (une étude de faisabilité commerciale est en cours, plus de 3ans à sonder le terrain, la solution est le graal pour les pilotes et répond aux besoins de faciliter les transports en réduisant les impacts face aux urgences climatiques)
Erreur de trésorie ( recours au financement participatif, zborad stratégique, levée de fond privé et publique, time to market rapide, marché accessible et monde pour une forte rentabilité dans le temps, un actionnariat privé familial qui restera majoritaire)
Risque concurrentiel (Marché naissant énorme estimé à 11T$ pour 2050 an croissance annuelle à 4chiffres, pas de solution équivalente sur le marché, nombreux positionnements et spécialisations possibles, devenir la référence du marché, développer et vendre nos solutions innovantes sous licences à nos concurrents)
Erreurs de communication (nous sommes sincères)
No.B.: over time, new risks may emerge and those presented may evolve.
To receive our detailed business plan, contact us at postmaster@flycopter-project.com

The Flycopter Project Crew

A word from the founders:
After studying international business, I decided to take the position of President and join Alain in an innovative project.
It is important to me to promote new innovations and especially solutions that preserve the planet.
It is essential to find solutions to reduce or even eliminate our impact on the environment.
For me, our company is also a way to promote inclusion for people with disabilities. In fact, since 2011, following health concerns, I have become RQTH (recognition of disabled worker quality). Since then, I have had a mobility disability. It is important to me to provide transport solutions for people with reduced mobility. Our priority is to promote people with disabilities and thus advance and evolve society.
I want an ethical company that is committed to the environment but also to society.
Fabiola Thibaudeau President
During my studies in industrial mechanical design in the early 2000s, I philosophically asked myself if I had chosen the right professional path, what contribution I would have if I was able to find new solutions.
I devoted myself to a concrete case but not mechanically completed, already the human footprint on the ground was questionable, a project developed in the 50s planned to move by air by taking off vertically, it was the technology of “Tail Sitter”, planes placed vertically on the rear empennage to avoid runways to access small, landlocked areas, city centers but also aircraft carriers.
The technology was not mature, and not very viable, difficult to make a rocket-type takeoff comfortable with a cockpit very high above the ground and a departure with the feet over the head, difficult and impractical for ordinary mortals.
At the time the idea of modifying the aeronautical structure of classic aviation to get closer to another simpler structure like that of the pendular was the solution that I had imagined, transferring the cockpit placed on the upper nose of the aircraft under the belly close to the ground and with a pivot to keep the cabin horizontal during all phases of flight allowed me to solve this problem.
Indeed all pilots (or the vast majority) and aspiring pilots regret not being able to take off from their home.
Covid period 2019, after the emergence of the first commercialized VTOLs, with the advent of high-performance electric thrusters, compact and reliable on-board electronics such as flight controllers, with the progress made in batteries, I believe that all technologies are mature to exploit the idea of the stabilized nacelle popularized by the stable Gimbal camera on our children’s toy drones and professional developments for photographers. The confinement of having my CAD tools at home and outside office hours to study the first developments to file the concepts and technologies internationally to ensure that I could exploit them by prior art, because it was becoming obvious that the competition would eventually come up with these solutions.
In 2022, in agreement with my wife and after 25 years of professional experience designing special industrial machines for aeronautics, naval aeronautics, construction, automotive, nuclear, food industry, pharmaceuticals, it was time to make a conventional break to create a company to offer deeper innovative solutions to respond to problems not resolved by technologies already developed such as automotive and mobility in general, human and vital needs taking into account human environmental and economic impacts.
The idea of the stabilized nacelle for more comfort, safety with the multicopter mix and lifting surfaces offering maximum impacts we have chosen to develop this product in particular.
A human adventure that begins to bring together a team, partners, institutions to provide technological solutions and improve life and the future.
Alain Thibaudeau General and Technical Director
Find more information and news on our blog.

The project evaluation and investment statistics
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