Second Sew - Une mode éthique pour les tout petits

This project is handled by OCTOBRE17

Impacts (know more) : eco-responsible product or service, economic and employment development
Chez Second Sew, on aime voir nos enfants dans de beaux draps ! Notre ambition ? Industrialiser le procédé d'upcycling pour revaloriser les anciens linges de maison des ménages français et les transformer en vêtements pour nos plus petits, grâce à une confection 100% française et en insertion professionnelle. Notre impact ? -92% d'émission (en kg équivalent CO²) par rapport aux produits équivalents en matières moyennes.

/ Return on investment /

0 % of the revenue generated
I.e. in total 0(gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Targeted return on investment:
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
Risk of losing the entire investment. Maximum return on investment: x3.
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.

/ Presentation /




Positive impacts





Financial data

Target profitability
x1,98 en 5 ans (+98,28 % raw)
Risk of full loss of investment, maximum gain: x3
Minimum gain as long as the company is in business: x1,15
Moderate risk
rated at 2.79/5 by Internet users during the evaluation phase
Royalties paid quarterly
1,54 % maximum
% of turnover paid to all investors, for 27 159,00 € raised, proportional to the amount raised

Revenues and funding project

We have already gathered 70 000,00 €

Nous avons déjà obtenu un accord de la part de France Active pour un prêt de 70.000€.

Over the 12 months preceding the fundraising, we achieved 14 000,00 € in turnover.

OCTOBRE17's fundraisings on WE DO GOOD

Current fundraising - 4 967,00 €
20/03/2023 - 62 841,00 €

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Number of sales 2700 8500 16800 27000 39000
Projected revenue 92 000,00 € 297 000,00 € 622 000,00 € 1 009 000,00 € 1 479 000,00 €

Your investment

By investing, you subscribe to OCTOBRE17 for a royalty on the company's turnover, proportional to your investment. The total investors will receive 1,54 % from the turnover achieved each year for a fundraising of 27 159,00 €.
If OCTOBRE17 realizes its forecast, the return for each investor will be 98,28 % gross to 5 years.
Calculate my return

What happens if the forecast is not reached?
In the event that the forecast is not reached after 5 years and the activity continues, OCTOBRE17 will continue to pay the royalties until a return of 1,15 times the amount invested is reached.

When do payments start?
The Royalty is transferred over a period of 5 years from 01/10/2024 and will be paid to investors on a quarterly basis.

All these elements will appear in your contract during the investment.

See the standard contract
This contract is a model, it does not serve as a real contract.

Provisional payment schedule

Attention: these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It's up to you to evaluate the forecast and the strategy to estimate whether you can expect to earn more or less than the announced annual return.

Estimated compensation on income of: Date of payment
October, November, December 15/01/2025
January, February, March 15/04/2025
April, May, June 15/07/2025
July, August, September 15/10/2025
October, November, December 15/01/2026
January, February, March 15/04/2026
April, May, June 15/07/2026
July, August, September 15/10/2026
October, November, December 15/01/2027
January, February, March 15/04/2027
April, May, June 15/07/2027
July, August, September 15/10/2027
October, November, December 15/01/2028
January, February, March 15/04/2028
April, May, June 15/07/2028
July, August, September 15/10/2028
October, November, December 15/01/2029
January, February, March 15/04/2029
April, May, June 15/07/2029
July, August, September 15/10/2029

Risk factors

Key risk factors related to the activity and project

Risk related to the financial situation of the company
Currently, prior to the completion of the fundraising of this offer, the company does not have, with sufficient net working capital to meet its obligations and cash flow needs for the next 6 months.

Sources of funding under consideration in connection with the project presented for the next 6 months:

Nous sommes actuellement en discussion pour un prêt bancaire à hauteur de 70.000€

  • Le changement de la réglementation textile : risque modéré puisque la législation va plutôt dans le sens de l'économie circulaire. La situation actuelle est plutôt en faveur du développement de marques comme Second Sew
  • L'augmentation des coûts des matières premières : risque modéré également puisque nos principales matières premières proviennent des "déchets" textiles qui sont bien moins impactés par la production des matières premières neuves.
  • Le contexte économique actuel
  • Le risque lié à la situation financière, avant la réalisation de la levée de fonds que nous proposons, est que la société ne dispose pas d’un fonds de roulement net suffisant pour faire face à ses obligations et à ses besoins de trésorerie pour les 6 prochains mois. C'est pour cela que nous avons besoin de la levée de fonds pour nous développer ainsi que de prêts complémentaires, dont France Active qui nous a déjà donné un accord pour 70K€ et un prêt bancaire qui est en cours de discussion.
  • Le contexte législatif et les tendances du marché, favorisant l'économie circulaire peuvent faire apparaître une concurrence plus ardue. Fortes de notre notoriété et de notre image de marque, nous devons conserver notre avantage concurrentiel et continuer à grandir rapidement.

No.B.: over time, new risks may emerge and those presented may evolve.

To receive our detailed business plan, contact us at





The project evaluation and investment statistics

Evaluations signe plus

Investments signe plus

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