This project is handled by Denis Gascon

Impacts (know more) : economic and employment development
Linseg Tech a obtenu le 'Seal of Excellence' de la Commission Européenne démontrant l'intérêt scientifique d'ELOQUANT et sa possibilité à démocratiser la recherche de haut niveau

/ Return on investment /

0 % of the revenue generated
I.e. in total 0(gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Targeted return on investment:
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
Risk of losing the entire investment. Maximum return on investment: Infini.
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.

/ Presentation /



The promise of ELOQUANT NANOIMAGING : to offer a series of super-resolution microscopes that are both easier to use and less expensive than those currently available on the market.


To understand living organisms and treat pathologies, researchers always need to see more and better. The recent increase in the resolution of optical microscopy has opened up prospects for understanding and diagnosing a large number of pathologies (cancer, degenerative diseases, etc.).

As they become essential for the advancement of research, super-resolution microscopes are complex and very expensive technologies. Many laboratories cannot afford them, or even are unable to implement them because they require highly qualified personnel (optical engineers, PhDs in physics or biology), rare and expensive.

In 2016, CEA researchers developed, after four years of research and €1.5 million in national and European funding, a new, much simpler approach to increasing the resolution of microscopes. Linseg Tech SAS obtained from the CEA, at the end of 2019, the exclusive license to use this technology and created the ELOQUANT brand in order to market it. ELOQUANT has thus developed a super-resolution fluorescence microscope that is just as efficient as the competition, but easier to use and at a much more affordable price for laboratories.


3-D visualization of the membrane network in a chloroplast                With the best plant super-resolution today     with the methodology developed by ELOQUANT

The complete reconstitution of this membrane makes it possible to better understand the exploitation of solar energy by plants and its regulations, opening the way to optimize photosynthesis to increase the production of biomass by these organisms.

3D RECONSTRUCTION OF Chlamydomonas R. chloroplast (CEA de Saclay 2020) 



Researchers from the team led by Professor Bruno Robert at CEA Saclay have received significant funding to develop a super-resolution Raman microscopy methodology. During their experiments, they noticed that it was possible to extract information by moving the samples a few nanometers. Based on this observation, they developed a new method to increase the resolution – and therefore the precision – of fluorescence microscopes. Thus, was born the ELOQUANT technology patented in 2016 by the CEA and whose industrialization Linseg Tech has finalized to obtain the marketable microscope below.


Since its launch, the CEA research project has received several scientific recognitions. In particular, it received “Proof of concept” funding from the European Research Council (ERC) in 2012. Linseg Tech, created in 2019 to promote innovation, won the French national competition for scientific excellence i -Lab, was the winner of the European EIT Headstart Program competition and obtained the “Seal of excellence” from the European Commission. These various competitions and labels testify to the scientific and commercial importance of the discovery, also rewarded by the “Deep Tech” label from BPI France, which validates the innovative side of the technology. Linseg Tech is also supported by the Agoranov incubator, the Medicen Paris Region competitiveness cluster and the Matériaupôle business cluster.


The super-resolution microscopy market includes many companies that offer microscopes with distinct performance and applications as per requirement. Among these players, ELOQUANT competes with the biggest: Nikon, Zeiss, Olympus, ONI, Bruker, Leica, GE Healthcare and BioAxial.

In 2020, the commercial research company Novoptim carried out a market study with the aim of comparing ELOQUANT to competing solutions and highlighting areas of differentiation. This study included 14 interviews with opinion leaders (KOL) in the field of research or large pharmaceutical groups. At similar resolution, current techniques have difficulty imaging thick samples. The very high resolution techniques, STED and PALM/STORM, proposed in particular by Nikon, Zeiss, ONI, Bruker, Abbelight and Leica present significant experimental constraints during sample preparation.

Compared to all these approaches, the ELOQUANT technology stands out by being able to produce images on any type of biological sample while maintaining its optimal specificities. In terms of price positioning, competing proposals are between 250,000 and 1 million euros where ELOQUANT can offer a price of between 225,000 and 400,000 euros depending on the needs of professionals, for a device requiring less maintenance and above all no specific skills to make it work.

The study of the competition highlights the very strong pressure exerted by ELOQUANT on its competitors at the price level by proposing a solution which guarantees both performance while reducing the constraints of implementing the tool and a minimum of necessary expertise in terms of use. ELOQUANT makes it possible to reconstruct in three dimensions the structure of cells, healthy or pathological, with unequaled precision. Among the 14 professionals interviewed by Novoptim, 10 were very interested in the technology.

Linseg Tech SAS is housed in the facilities of the CEA in Saclay, which is at its origin. We thus benefit from privileged access to the human, material and technical resources available in their laboratories.

Application to a Cyclotella diatom

3D visualization through the shell made at the CEA in Saclay in 2020


ELOQUANT R&D is focused on developing a series of features for the current microscope, with the goal of increasing the speed, as well as the axial and lateral resolution of the tool. These improvements, some of which are based on breakthrough innovations that can be patented, will eventually enable ELOQUANT microscopes to compete with the most advanced technologies in super-resolution microscopy, without generating significant additional costs.

Another strong point for the future, ELOQUANT is the only technology allowing to increase the resolution of other types of microscopes, in particular for Raman imaging or transmission imaging. Thanks to successful proofs of concept, the R&D team is already building super-resolution prototypes for this type of device, which it will be the only one to market by 2023.

A detailed technological innovation program has been defined for the next 5 years which includes research work to develop the ELOQUANT approach in Raman microscopy and in transmission microscopy. Today, no approach allows to gain in resolution on these two types of microscopy. These breakthrough innovations will be patentable and will allow Linseg Tech to enrich its patent portfolio. Thanks to its developments, ELOQUANT will be the only brand to offer this equipment to laboratories and companies.


Since its creation, Linseg Tech has obtained more than €400,000 in competitions for scientific excellence or dedicated to innovation.

A first fundraising of €300,000 on the Myoptions.co participatory platform enabled Linseg Tech to complete the industrialization process of its microscopes, to validate our innovative technology and our business model with several French and European laboratories. , as well as start marketing the devices. To date, around ten laboratories have confirmed their interest in the ELOQUANT super-resolution microscope, and their desire to use this technology to produce images in the spring of 2022.

In the same logic, we are launching a raise in royalties of €500,000 to accelerate the technical and economic development of ELOQUANT on a global market in search of innovation.

In order to interest “classic” investors in this modern investment technique and not to resort to equity, we have configured the contract to transform investments into “win-win” projects.

In this spirit, we have decided to offer royalties not over 5 years, but over 6 years, to allow investors to benefit from the development of our sales.


The objective is to triple (before taxes) the amount invested. In order to offer a maximum guarantee to our investors, a clause provides that if the amount invested is not reimbursed within 6 years, the duration of the contract is extended until the reimbursement of three times the amount invested is hit. So, if we raise €500,000, we will repay at least €1,500,000 to investors.


It is unlimited. In the case where the evolution of the turnover is very much higher than the hypothesis adopted at the start, the contract does not end once the payment of royalties equals 3 times the amount invested. Always with a view to offering our investors a “win-win” opportunity, it is essential for us to share the financial successes of our project. In our forecast, our turnover projections are quite conservative for a market which should grow worldwide by 9% per year until 2027. We have indicated revenues of €26 million in 2027, i.e. after 8 years of ‘existence. By way of comparison, the startup ONI, a spin-out from Oxford University founded in 2016, declared revenues of more than US$10 million in 2020 after only 4 years of existence and has just raised US$75 million in capital in January 2022.


Investors earn a share of our turnover every quarter: 4% maximum for €500,000 invested. This part will be proportional to the investments. In other words, if we achieve our forecast, the return for investors will be +479% over 6 years. Linseg Tech is able to offer a very attractive return forecast to investors because we have a very high gross margin (+50%).

Indeed, the cost of a fluorescence microscope, including components and labor, is €140,000 while its selling price is €300,000. We can therefore easily absorb the €12,000 in royalties (4% of €300,000) offered to investors on WE DO GOOD for each microscope sold.


In order to implement our development strategy, we need cash to invest in the upgrading of the skills of our scientists, to increase the notoriety of our technology and to recruit an experienced sales team.

Because the ELOQUANT technology is completely new in the field of super-resolution microscopy, we will have to make it known to the world of research and to the major pharmaceutical industries. This notoriety will be obtained by the participation of our scientists in specialized conferences: Gordon conferences, Plant biology conference, Applied physics conference, American society of cellular biology meeting…It also involves the publication of articles in renowned scientific journals. An article has already appeared in the journal Frontiers in microbiology and a dozen others are being prepared with the laboratories that have tested the solution.


Linseg Tech is a French company with the legal form SAS (Simplified Joint Stock Company) and was created in 2019 with a share capital of €10,000 held by its founders and CEA Investissement. It is represented by Denis Gascon who holds 59% of the company’s shares.


Positive impacts

Economic and social impacts: ELOQUANT accelerates the development of the economy and employment in Essonne, France, encourages innovation and democratizes cutting-edge research in laboratories.



The marketing of ELOQUANT will contribute to economic development in Essonne by creating 30 jobs within 6 years (2027). These jobs will for the most part be highly qualified, associated with high salaries intended for researchers, research engineers, sales engineers or senior technicians… They are likely to create wealth for the regional economy. Like any high-tech instrument, ELOQUANT will also have many economic benefits for many subcontractors.


By allowing researchers to see more and better, ELOQUANT technology will allow, by 2027, more than a hundred researchers to publish articles in scientific journals in all sectors, contributing as much to the spread of innovations in basic research and applied research.


The development of ELOQUANT is based on technological innovations making it possible to offer researchers, medical and biotechnology teams a range of high-performance super-resolution microscopes that are accessible in terms of cost and use. These microscopes will offer small laboratories the possibility of acquiring a state-of-the-art instrument. The R&D plan planned over 5 years aims to provide ELOQUANT with new functionalities, but also to address areas other than fluorescence microscopy. The underlying innovations, developed in partnership with the CEA and major European universities, will generate new patents, thereby increasing the competitive positioning of the solution.



Thanks to a lower operating and acquisition cost than competing products, ELOQUANT will allow a greater number of academic and private laboratories to access super-resolution microscopy. Despite their limited financial resources and the lack of qualified personnel, laboratories located in emerging countries will be able to benefit from all the advantages of super-resolution microscopy, and produce images of equal quality to those in developed countries. This technological contribution will result in new scientific discoveries in biology, in particular in health (neurosciences, cancer, cellular pathologies, etc.), and medical advances that will benefit society as a whole. We estimate that in 2027, 15% of microscopes sold will be in emerging countries allowing them to develop their scientific research.



The ELOQUANT technology, which is based on a patent jointly filed by the CEA, the CNRS and the Free University of Amsterdam, makes it possible to obtain super-resolution images in a totally different way from the techniques used by its competitors. Linseg Tech’s ELOQUANT is indeed the first super-resolution microscopy technology that uses signal acquisition geometry to increase the resolution of the microscope. This innovative technology revolutionizes super-resolution microscopy, allowing both a significant gain in resolution, ease of use and an affordable acquisition cost. ELOQUANT’s strategy today aims to rapidly deploy our sales team in order to capture a share of this fast-growing market.


The super-resolution microscopy sector will grow by 8.9% during the period 2022 to 2027 to reach 1.8 billion euros in 2027. This growth is explained by the fact that to understand living and pathologies, researchers always need to see more and better.

The main customers likely to use super-resolution microscopes are research laboratories, the medical sector as well as pharmaceutical companies. There are thus several tens of thousands of laboratories in the world that can use super-resolution microscopy.

Most of the techniques currently on the market present significant experimental constraints in sample preparation in order to be able to image them. At similar resolution, current techniques most often lose their precision as soon as the samples have a certain thickness.

Compared to all of these approaches, the ELOQUANT technology stands out by being able to produce images on any type of biological sample while remaining close to its optimal specificities.

ELOQUANT will be sold at prices varying between €225,000 and €400,000 per device. Considering its performance and ease of use, ELOQUANT will be offered at a very competitive price since competing products are offered at higher prices, to which must be added the costs entailed by the need for the presence of highly qualified personnel.

Over the past two years, the company has proceeded with the industrialization of its microscopes, making it possible to move from functional laboratory prototypes to a series of fully integrated finished products. These new microscopes have been designed from an assembly of components already proven and available on the market such as: lasers, ultra-high-speed ultra-sensitive CCD camera, high-performance optical mirrors, motorized xy tables, etc. whose assembly makes it possible to obtain images with an accuracy of less than 100 nm. The only parts custom-made for Linseg Tech are the optical tower supporting the microscope objectives and the frame to isolate the microscope from its environment, these parts being manufactured by an independent machine shop. Thus, the company can produce on request, with delivery times of three months, devices whose selling price will vary between €225,000 and €400,000, depending on the complexity of the chosen configuration, while the complete cost ( parts and labor) for these devices is between €85,000 and €140,000 respectively.

The main advantages of ELOQUANT are therefore:

  • Unique design allowing great ease of use since the microscope can be operated by technicians
  • No sample preparation by biologists required
  • Possibility of obtaining super-resolution images of naturally fluorescent samples (ELOQUANT is currently the only technology allowing super-resolution in the field of photosynthesis)
  • Affordable acquisition cost for most labs

The study of the competition highlights the very strong pressure exerted by ELOQUANT on its competitors at the price level by proposing a solution which guarantees performance while reducing the constraints of use and the expertise necessary for the implementation of the solution. In particular, ELOQUANT allows the three-dimensional reconstruction of the structure of cells, normal or pathological, with unparalleled precision today.


There are currently several tens of thousands of laboratories around the world that can benefit from super-resolution microscopy. The two markets targeted primarily by Linseg Tech are Europe and North America.

Members of the team around ELOQUANT have developed over the last twenty years an extensive network of scientific collaborations both in Europe and in North America and Asia and several of these laboratories have already shown an interest in ELOQUANT microscopes. . The marketing strategy consists of quickly maximizing the presence of the ELOQUANT brand by developing its notoriety, increasing the power of its sales team and signing marketing agreements with distributors.

In addition, Linseg Tech, due to its collaboration with Medicen Paris Region and the CEA, has access to a large network of contacts in the medical sector, fundamental research and the pharmaceutical industry on the European continent. The collaboration with these two organizations will allow the rapid development of opportunities in Europe.

Linseg Tech’s sales team will be increased as sales progress. Thus, we will hire a salesperson in 2022, then two in 2023 in order to obtain a sales team of seven people by 2025, Our sales team will cover the European market to directly prospect research laboratories, major imaging platforms and pharmaceutical groups. The North American market will be handled by its existing sales representative. For other markets, Linseg Tech will sign distribution agreements with partners working in the field of laboratory equipment for research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies.

Linseg Tech has participated over the past two years in several editions of the Biotechgate event specializing in life sciences, which has enabled it to establish numerous contacts for its commercial development both in Europe and in North America than in Asia.

In order to support the commercial development of Linseg Tech and continue to create new scientific applications for ELOQUANT, we will carry out a regular recruitment of one to two scientists per year from 2022 to 2027. These recruitments will consist of hiring scientists and engineers with additional training for the team currently in place which will improve the performance of ELOQUANT in collaboration with the CEA, the Free University of Amsterdam and the University of Vilnius. This continuous improvement in performance is essential in order to maintain the notoriety of the ELOQUANT brand. By 2027, the scientific and technical team will number 14 people.


Linseg Tech will communicate about ELOQUANT at scientific conferences, through the publication of articles in scientific journals. The team around Linseg Tech is already regularly asked to present ELOQUANT technology at seminars, microscopy congresses or innovative materials for laboratories and industry. For example, in 2019 she was invited to give lectures at several Gordon Conferences, which are reference meetings in the United States, or at the 13th international conference ‘Optical Probes of Organic and Hybrid Optoelectronic Materials and Applications’ in Vilnius, Lithuania. . These conferences have been suspended due to the pandemic and will gradually resume in 2022 following the lifting of health restrictions.

In addition, the ELOQUANT website has been completely redone and is online at http://eloquant-nanoimaging.com/, which will allow better communication with scientists. In addition, a mandate was granted to Libra Science to develop a digital marketing strategy including SEO.


Financial data


Financing method: Investment in royalties

Investment period: 6 years

Percentage of turnover paid each quarter: 4% maximum (for €500,000 raised)

Target return: +479.17% gross in 6 years (risk of full loss of investment, maximum gain not limited)

Risk: (assessed by Internet users during the upcoming assessment phase)

Our test phase with numerous research laboratories and major pharmaceutical groups has confirmed the demand for high-performance super-resolution devices that are easier to use and at a reasonable acquisition cost.

Since its inception in 2019, Linseg Tech has raised more than €1,2 million in funding, of which €400,000 comes from scientific research grants and scientific excellence competitions.


ASSUMPTION USED – simplified projected income statement

In k€ except otherwise stated Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Number of microscopes sold 3 10 25 41 64 78
TURNOVER (SALES) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Turnover Fluorescence Microscopes 740 2 240 5 840 8 840 12 440 14 840
Turnover Transmission Microscopes 500 1 700 3 950 8 200 10 600

Turnover Maintenance Fees Fluorescence

 – 22 89 265 530 903
Turnover Maintenance Fees Transmission  – 15 66 185 431
TOTAL TURNOVER 740 2 762 7 644 13 121 21 355 26 774
COSTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Fluorescence Microscopes Costs 396 1 038 2 532 3 708 5 064 5 880
Transmission Microscopes Costs   316 790 1 738 3 476 4 424
Total Product Costs 396 1 354 3 322 5 446 8 540 10 304
Total Gross Margin 344 1 408 4 322 7 675 12 815 16 470
% Margin 46% 51% 57% 58% 60% 62%
R&D AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Staff Costs 74,0 141,4 265,2 413,1 493,1 574,0
Other Direct Expenses 9,0 19,7 33,1 52,1 62,2 72,0
Total R&D and Technical Services 83,0 161,1 298,3 465,2 555,3 646,0
MARKETING Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Staff Costs 0,0 48,3 146,8 261,0 297,2 297,0
Other Direct Expenses 55,0 62,1 72,6 84,4 90,0 93,0
Total Marketing 55,0 110,4 219,4 345,4 387,2 390,0
 SALES Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Staff Costs 76,1 326,3 598,1 783,0 913,5 914,0
Other Direct Expenses 8,8 39,3 75,8 104,2 121,5 122,0
Total Sales 84,9 365,6 673,9 887,2 1 035,0 1 036,0
 ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Staff Costs 104,4 129,7 208,0 293,1 298,9 305,0
Other Direct Expenses 5,0 8,3 14,2 23,2 23,1 23,0
Total Administration Expenses 109,4 138,0 222,2 316,3 322,0 328,0
OTHER EXPENSES Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Rent + Charges + Equipment 21,0 45,0 72,0 108,0 129,0 147,0
General Operating Expenses 41,0 43,1 64,6 103,3 175,6 316,2
Legal Fees + Patents 84,0 88,2 92,6 97,2 102,1 107,2
Miscellaneous Expenses – Contingencies 40,0 42,0 63,0 100,8 171,4 308,4
CEA Royalties + Scientific Collaboration 188,8 339,2 601,3 987,9 1 567,7 1 950,7
WE DO GOOD Royalties 29,6 110,5 305,8 524,8 854,2 1 070,9
Total of the Exploitation Charges 737 1 443 2 613 3 936 5 300 6 300
OPERATING RESULTS (LOSS) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
OPERATING RESULTS (LOSS) (393) (35) 1 709 3 739 5 020 10 170
AMORTIZATION Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Amortization Intangible Assets 0 (2) (4) (6) (6) (6)
Depreciation of Tangible Assets (1) (5) (10) (14) (13) (14)
Financial Profit and Loss (19) (12) (6) (3) (1) (1)
NET RESULTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
NET RESULTS (413) (54) 1 689 3 716 5 000 10 149

We are raising funds to quickly ramp up our scientific and commercial teams and thus quickly establish the notoriety of the ELOQUANT technology.


By investing, you subscribe to Linseg Tech for a royalty on the turnover of the company, proportional to your investment. The total investors will receive 4.0% of the turnover achieved each year for a fundraising of a maximum of €500,000. Your share will be proportional to your investment.

In other words, if Linseg Tech realizes its forecast, the return for each investor will be +479% gross in 6 years.

What happens if the forecast is not reached? In the event that the forecast is not reached after 6 years, but the activity continues, Linseg Tech will continue to pay the royalties until the amount paid is equal to three times the amount invested. Thus, in the event that Linseg Tech raises €500,000, Linseg Tech undertakes to pay a minimum of €1,500,000 in the form of royalties.

For example, after 6 years Linseg Tech has paid €600,000 in royalties. In this case, Linseg Tech will continue to pay royalties until the total sum reaches €1,500,000.

When do payments start? The Royalty is transferred over a period of 6 years from 01/07/2022 and will be paid to investors each quarter.

Provisional table of payments:

Payment dates Year  Estimated earnings on earnings of:
October 2022 July, August, September 2022
January 2023 October, November, December 2022
April 2023 January, February, March 2023
July 2023 April, May, June 2023
October 2023 July, August, September 2023
January 2024 October, November, December 2023
April 2024 January, February, March 2024
July 2024 April, May, June 2024
October 2024 July, August, September 2024
January 2025 October, November, December 2024
April 2025 January, February, March 2025
July 2025 April, May, June 2025
October 2025 July, August, September 2025
January 2026 October, November, December 2025
April 2026 January, February, March 2026
July 2026 April, May, June 2026
October 2026 July, August, September 2026
January 2027 October, November, December 2026
April 2027 January, February, March 2027
July 2027 April, May, June 2027
October 2027 July, August, September 2027
January 2028 October, November, December 2027
April 2028 January, February, March 2028
July 2028 April, May, June 2028

Please note: these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It’s up to you to evaluate the forecast and the strategy to estimate whether you can expect to earn more or less than the announced annual return. Do not hesitate to contact us. Your maximum risk is the complete loss of your investment, and you find at best a return of +479% on your investment if we achieve our forecast with no limit of gain if we exceed our forecasts.


Main risk factors related to the activity and the project:

  • The notoriety of the ELOQUANT technology is to be built and the field of super-resolution microscopy is very concentrated even if the big players allow innovative startups (eg: Abbelight, Oxford Nanoimaging) to enter the market in order to boost technological innovation. Since Dr. Bruno Robert’s team enjoys an excellent international reputation in the field of photosynthesis and Raman microscopy, this should allow ELOQUANT to gain notoriety quickly.
  • The market for high-tech equipment has a fairly long sales cycle (6 to 14 months) when it comes to public research centers. For pharmaceutical groups, this cycle is faster and purchasing decisions are made more quickly (3 to 8 months). To mitigate these impacts on its cash flow, Linseg Tech has negotiated, in addition to the WE DO GOOD fundraising, temporary financing agreements with Caisse d’Epargne and the HSBC group to finance its purchases of components and customer receivables. 
  • The adoption time of ELOQUANT by the market/researchers requires removing the reluctance to use a technology that has not been proven. Here again, ELOQUANT will benefit from the excellent international reputation of Dr. Bruno Robert’s team in order to reassure potential customers and convince them to try the technology.
  • Risk related to the financial situation of the company: currently, before the fundraising on WE DO GOOD, the company has sufficient net working capital to meet its obligations and its cash requirements for the next 9 months. Sources of financing under consideration in connection with the project presented for the subsequent 6 months: equity fundraising from investment funds + loan from BPI priming + European subsidies for innovation ERDF and EIC Accelerator. As for investment funds, Linseg Tech is in contact with several investment funds that have shown interest in investing in the company once Linseg Tech has made its first sales.

N.B.: over time, new risks may appear and those presented may change.

To receive our detailed business plan, please contact us at denis.gascon@linsegtech.com



With its super-resolution microscope, ELOQUANT offers an innovative solution that is both efficient and accessible. Led by Denis Gascon and an experienced team, the technology also benefits from the advice of a prestigious scientific orientation committee.


Three of the members of ELOQUANT (Bruno Robert, Andrew Gall and Cristian Ilioaia) are at the origin of the development of the patent and have been working together for fifteen years. They kind of consider ELOQUANT as their ‘baby’. As for Denis Gascon, he has known Bruno Robert for about ten years and has contributed to the development of the project since 2015. Finally, Igor Chaussavoine joined the team in 2021.

The whole team is motivated to make the ELOQUANT brand known and quickly establish it as an innovative alternative in the super-resolution microscopy market. The members of the team have complementary profiles of biologists, biophysicists, physicists, spectroscopists and administrators/salespeople which ensure a good balance for the development of the company.

  • Denis Gascon, holder of an MBA from HEC Montréal, 35 years of experience in international management, business development and administrative management. From 1984 to 2002, he held several positions as commercial director and director of international partnerships for high-tech companies before creating Devmar International Inc in 2002. Devmar International offered, from 2002 to 2019, services international marketing to innovative companies.

  • Bruno Robert, Doctor of Physics from the Pierre and Marie Curie University, Professor at the Free University of Amsterdam, Director of Research at the CEA. Between 1984 and today, he has published more than two hundred scientific articles and was co-recipient of “Advanced Grant” and “Proof of Concept” funding from the ERC in 2011. His team specializes in the development of methods innovations for the life sciences. He oversees the R&D strategy for ELOQUANT.

  • Andrew Gall, PhD from the University of Glasgow, 30 years of experience in biology and development of innovative techniques for life sciences. He designed and implemented the various prototypes of the microscope marketed by ELOQUANT and supervises the development of its commercial microscopes for ELOQUANT.

  • Cristian Ilioaia, PhD from the University of Sheffield, 20 years of experience in microscopy and spectroscopy applied to biology. He designs all the measurements aimed at testing the performance of ELOQUANT microscopes, as well as their applicability in the various fields of cell biology.


  • Igor Chaussavoine, PhD in physics from the Institut polytechnique de Paris, 5 years of experience in optics and microfluidics for life sciences. Last arrived at ELOQUANT, he is in charge of the development of applications in biology of ELOQUANT microscopes and is responsible for customer relations with research laboratories and researchers.


  • Pr. Dr. Rienk van Grondelle, Professor at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Akademie Hoogleraar).
  • Pr. Dr Leonas Valkunas, Chairman of the Mathematics, Physics and Chemical Sciences Division of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
  • Serge Kinkingnéhun, President of ES2KA, Engineer and specialist start-up consultant in the field of MedTech. Founder of the EyeBrain company in 2008.


  • The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), first French research center and co-owner of the patent for super-resolution microscopy, is home to ELOQUANT’s R&D department. In addition, a scientific collaboration agreement was signed between the CEA and Linseg Tech in order to benefit from the expertise of the teams from this organization involved in the initial development of the microscope.
  • The Free University of Amsterdam, co-owner of the patent, will participate in the development of innovative image analysis algorithms for Linseg Tech with the aim of further improving the resolution of its microscopes.

  • Vilnius University provides the theoretical framework for the developments offered by Linseg Tech, thus ensuring the formal proof of the specifications of the materials offered by Linseg Tech.






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