·ispalis· la véritable épargne liquide / the real liquid savings

This project is handled by Ispalis

Impacts (know more) : economic and employment development

/ Return on investment /

0 % of the revenue generated
I.e. in total 0(gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Targeted return on investment:
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
Risk of losing the entire investment. Maximum return on investment: x3.
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.

/ Presentation /




Invest in · ispalis · the 1st responsible and solidary platform for wines and spirits

How to diversify your savings in 2023 ?

With ·ispalis· we meet the needs of savers who are anxious about the financial markets, lost in the complex, volatile and uncertain world of cryptocurrencies and NFTs or who want accessible savings.

Our innovation consists of offering a BSP, a Bottle Savings Plan!

For this, ispalis helps professionals to diversify their clients’ savings in wines and spirits.

After launching a prototype in 2023 with our first partner, a collective circle of 247 winegrowers who passionately cultivate 2,100 hectares in Roussillon, we validated the approach with a few individual customers.

·ispalis· develops an activity around wines and spirits and offers a double offer:

  • A remote cellar activity (Cellar as a Service), aimed at individuals,
  • A wine and spirits savings activity, accessible for all budgets, marketed to savings professionals (asset managers, bank branches, insurers).

The online cellar activity was prioritized at the start over the savings activity because it was quicker to implement and allowed to create a community and traction around the brand.

Cellar as a Service Activity Parameters

·ispalis· offers an annual subscription to individuals to access the wine catalog, make purchases and manage stock. Bottles are purchased directly from the winegrowers and storage is provided by them, justifying an average variable cost. These costs fall through the volume effect.

Savings activity parameters

The savings activity consists of offering an investment product based on wines and spirits with potential and remaining accessible for all budgets.

In concrete terms, ·ispalis· sells an annual subscription to professionals in the savings sector, allowing them to offer a selective catalog of savings products to their individual customers.

2 offers were modeled:

  • The Pro offer, in own brand,
  • The Business offer, in gray label.

·ispalis· charges amonthly fees corresponding to the management costs. This is based on the volume of the number of bottles invested.

The winegrower, for his part, receives a monthly commission for storing the bottles.

All of these costs decrease over time through the volume effect.

Our first fundraiser !

With initial financial assistance from bpifrance (Bourse French Tech) we launched our project.

We now wish to raise at least €40,000 to finance our development and be approved by the AMF, the “Autorité des Marchés Financiers” in France.

3 reasons to invest in ispalis:

  • Invest in an impact project: our business model is based on sharing the added value between the saver and the producers (the region) during the resale of bottles;
  • Follow a dynamic team: it puts all its creativity and innovations at the service of its customers, partners and investors;
  • Receive royalties in relation to our financial forecast: if it is verified, you will triple your bet over 5 years.

Return on investment

In exchange for your investment, you receive a quarterly share of ispalis’ turnover for 5 years.

Your share will be proportional to your investment. All investors will receive 5% of the turnover for €110,000 invested.

Details of financing needs


·ispalis· is a SAS, simplified joint stock company, created in 2022 with variable share capital of €9,500.

It is represented by Jean-François KILIAN and Sébastien MOITEL who hold 90% of the company’s shares.


Positive impacts

The mission of ispalis is to offer an accessible and responsible savings platform through wines and spirits. We want to become the trusted company that democratizes savings with innovative products by their nature and their technologies.

Our values ​​are:

·ispalis· has initiated a “360° Aim” diagnosis (Systemic Vision And Externalities from the Public Interest Grouping Resource Center for Sustainable Development – Cerdd – which equips and supports actors in the Hauts-de-France region towards new models of society and encourages them to contribute to economic, social and ecological transitions in the territories) making it possible to verify :

  1. The impacts of its projects: to build solutions that meet the challenges of our time and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
  2. Identify its externalities: to identify positive and negative externalities and ensure that the pursuit of an SDG does not harm others,
  3. Identify the actors concerned: identify the resources, actors and partners concerned by the project, in particular with the winegrower or cooperative partners that have been certified or are in the process.

The key success factors identified for ispalis are based on its ability to stand out in a constrained environment. In particular, obtaining one or more AMF approvals to market investment offers in “miscellaneous assets” is a key element. Similarly, the proposal of winegrower or cooperative partners who are in tune with ·ispalis· (sustainable approach, values, co-production and cooperation) is a key success factor.

Finally, the actions implemented to make ispalis stand out on the market can also be cited. They relate in particular to :

  • Its ability to acquire and retain a clientele of individuals, then professionals,
  • Its innovation and mastery of digital,
  • The generalization of its ·ispalis· brand platform,
  • Its sustainable and eco-designed offers,
  • Its involvement in diversity and inclusion for its growth

It is planned to hire 15 people on permanent contracts by 2027 at ·ispalis·

·ispalis· applies the “sustainable mobility package” in its daily operation. ispalis therefore reimburses 75% of the cost of the subscription to public transport (metro, train, tram, public bicycle rental services) to its employees, i.e. + 25% compared to the compulsory legal rate, set at 50%.

Finally, the ispalis policy has been formalized in an Employee Code of Conduct. This outlines our expectations for how employees behave towards their colleagues, supervisors and the organization as a whole. We promote freedom of expression and open communication. But we expect all employees to adhere to our code of conduct. This policy applies to all of our employees, regardless of employment contract or rank.

In summary, we expect ispalis employees to contribute to our work environment as we envision it: well organized, respectful and collaborative. We do not tolerate anyone intimidating, harassing or humiliating their colleagues. We also prohibit discrimination based on age, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic origin, religion or disability.



ispalis develops a digital and agile tool to invest independently in wines and spirits

Our brand identity

From direct (investment in wine) and indirect (investment in general) competition, we have seen graphic identities that do not or very little show the product. In a process of differentiation, ispalis wishes to represent the object of the investment in its logo.

Representing this bottle and integrating it into the brand name helps to anchor this notion of tangible good that any investor can obtain and just as well consume in a pleasure approach if he wishes.

The axis of minimalism makes it possible to image the ease and the seriousness of the investment, without frills. Moreover, the strength of this logo lies in its declination as a marker allowing visual evangelization that is easier to remember (awareness of the nature of the offer and its value).


The evolution of the Equity markets and the news relating to crypto-investments have raised awareness of a major risk, that of having difficulty diversifying one’s savings in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world.

It is therefore necessary to implement a product policy that incorporates this new dimension, based on tangible assets, intended for our privileged targets, which are:

  • Investment professionals,
  • Individuals who are technophiles or oenophiles.

Their needs

We are in the presence of informed consumers, who have a different approach to the act of saving. They need to associate a notion of meaning with their investment (meaning in relation to society).

The development of ethical products, associated with a socially responsible company like ·ispalis·, whose purpose is social and environmental in addition to profit, is fundamental.


The explosion of mobile media has also affected the savings sector. Our targets are very open to mobile applications for remote cellar management or investment portfolio monitoring.

The solution we offer

We have imagined a complete range of products in order to offer real liquid savings.

Any offer to invest in various assets must be registered with the AMF (the “Autorité des Marchés Financiers”). This is why ·ispalis· is initially developing a remote Cellar activity “Cellar as a Service”, a simpler activity that allows it to approach customers and end users.

At the same time, the approval procedures for the realization of the ·ispalis· offer with Investment Professionals will be carried out. This allows us to be perfectly adapted to the regulations and to specify the economic model during this first year of activity of ispalis.

This range is thus composed of :

  • ·ispalis· One: save and have fun by owning wines and spirits through a remote Cellar (Cellar as a Service – CaaS),
  • ·ispalis· Pro: present, as a Wealth Management Advisor, a savings offer based on wines and spirits,
  • ·ispalis· Business: to offer, as a financial adviser or account manager, a broader offer, in the image of its establishment, and to help its customers to diversify their savings into tangible assets.

Our positioning

The characteristics of the offer for the customer.

  • ·ispalis· is a digital platform for building a remote cellar and saving in bottles of wine and spirits.

The benefits for the customer

  • No stock at home or in a third place,
  • An educational platform made available to support the user in his liquid savings experience and enable him to anticipate future developments,
  • Securing investments through the use of Blockchain technology.

Marketing Strategy

Why ispalis now and why in France?

·ispalis· accesses the French market taking into account the regulations and their evolution for innovative projects in the field of #FinTech financial services.

The evolution of this regulation, aimed at stopping illicit flows in the European Union, is an element that will support our approach based on technology and compliance with the regulatory framework.

The Sustainable Development Goals have been integrated into the start-up of ·ispalis· so that they are better taken into account (co-production, cooperation with stakeholders, partnerships for the achievement of goals; identification of externalities, footprint carbon for responsible consumption and production, for example). They are reflected in the value proposition and in the innovative economic model of ·ispalis· at the service of the local economy.

Finally, Vinovest has proven in the United States that technology can democratize almost all aspects of the wine and spirits industry, in particular by relying on the essential characteristics for assessing the value of a bottle: storage correct for several years, a price history, the reputation of the partner or its labeling.

Lead generation

The implementation of a Growth Hacking strategy is preferred to achieve growth in the Individuals market (BtoC) with the Cellar as a Service- CaaS offer from ·ispalis·.

The objective is to obtain maximum results with a minimum of means, a culture oriented ROI (Return on Investment) and rapid results.

We will carry out rapid actions with short cycles (iterations) in order to quickly test, verify the operation, analyze the ROI and make decisions on rational facts and not on intuition.

For the approach to the Investment Professionals market (BtoB: Wealth Management Advisors, Banks, Insurance), we will use the original methodology of Soft Hacking. This approach makes it possible to develop sales within the framework of the ethical mission of ·ispalis·.

It is based on 3 pillars:

  • The development of notoriety with Inbound Marketing techniques: provide proof of the expertise of ·ispalis· and be recognized,
  • Prospecting with Outbound Marketing: building a system to develop the business portfolio,
  • Growth Hacking Test & Learn: permanent audit of activity and use of automation, tracking and scraping tools.

Innovative character of the project

Real responsible and solidarity-based liquid savings!

A responsible and united positioning carried by an innovative project on its service-based approach and its technological support.

  • Available savings stored at source, at the winemaker. Our partner winegrowers ensure quality monitoring of the bottles stored and identified in their cellar, guaranteeing the storage conditions.
  • A sharing of the added value realized between the saver and the winegrower: a distribution of the profits between the producers and the savers.
  • An automated and decentralized relationship between the winegrower and the saver: the support of Blockchain technology will provide the follow-up of the transactions carried out and will allow the implementation of the contractual terms between the partners involved. Web3 technologies will make it possible to directly enhance tangible assets by associating them with their digital twin via an NFT.
  • Investors manage their cellars and the valuation of their bottles by providing detailed information on the terroirs, the wine market, climatic changes within a dashboard that will be made available to customers of ispalis


The innovative business model of ·ispalis· aims to base the company’s profitability on intangible resources (data, skills, trust, relevance) by selling a global solution to its targets.

The choice of storage at source directly at the winegrower or at the cooperative is an example of the positioning of ispalis to limit the carbon footprint.

But also the desire to disconnect ·ispalis· from speculation, which exists on these assets, by sharing the added value achieved between the winegrower who is at the start of the value chain and the saver, the customer, the end user who takes the risk.



Financial data

Target profitability
x3,00 en 5 ans (+200,00 % raw)
Risk of full loss of investment, maximum gain: x3
Minimum gain as long as the company is in business: x1,15
Royalties paid quarterly
2,72 % maximum
% of turnover paid to all investors, for 59 900,00 € raised, proportional to the amount raised

Revenues and funding project

We have already gathered 56 500,00 €

Capital social, Apport en compte courant, Bon souscription d'actions, Bourse French Tech

Over the 12 months preceding the fundraising, we achieved 747,00 € in turnover.

Ispalis's fundraisings on WE DO GOOD

Current fundraising - 1 500,00 €
18/12/2023 - 50 100,00 €

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Number of sales 2400 3600 4800 6000 7000
Projected revenue 296 920,00 € 696 090,00 € 1 593 700,00 € 3 679 530,00 € 5 000 000,00 €

Your investment

By investing, you subscribe to Ispalis for a royalty on the company's turnover, proportional to your investment. The total investors will receive 2,72 % from the turnover achieved each year for a fundraising of 59 900,00 €.
If Ispalis realizes its forecast, the return for each investor will be 200,00 % gross to 5 years.
Calculate my return

What happens if the forecast is not reached?
In the event that the forecast is not reached after 5 years and the activity continues, Ispalis will continue to pay the royalties until a return of 1,15 times the amount invested is reached.

When do payments start?
The Royalty is transferred over a period of 5 years from 01/10/2024 and will be paid to investors on a quarterly basis.

All these elements will appear in your contract during the investment.

See the standard contract
This contract is a model, it does not serve as a real contract.

Provisional payment schedule

Attention: these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It's up to you to evaluate the forecast and the strategy to estimate whether you can expect to earn more or less than the announced annual return.

Estimated compensation on income of: Date of payment
October, November, December 15/01/2025
January, February, March 15/04/2025
April, May, June 15/07/2025
July, August, September 15/10/2025
October, November, December 15/01/2026
January, February, March 15/04/2026
April, May, June 15/07/2026
July, August, September 15/10/2026
October, November, December 15/01/2027
January, February, March 15/04/2027
April, May, June 15/07/2027
July, August, September 15/10/2027
October, November, December 15/01/2028
January, February, March 15/04/2028
April, May, June 15/07/2028
July, August, September 15/10/2028
October, November, December 15/01/2029
January, February, March 15/04/2029
April, May, June 15/07/2029
July, August, September 15/10/2029

Risk factors

Key risk factors related to the activity and project

Risk related to the financial situation of the company
Currently, prior to the completion of the fundraising of this offer, the company does not have, with sufficient net working capital to meet its obligations and cash flow needs for the next 6 months.

Le respect de la réglementation s'appuie sur les agréments nécessaires en tant qu'Intermédiaire en Biens Divers et en tant que PSAN (Prestataire de Service en Actif Numérique) NB : pour l’utilisation de la Blockchain et des Smarts Contracts

Le marché approché par ·ispalis· tient compte des spécificités des vignerons et producteurs de spiritueux dont certains sont pro-Business et d'autres plus traditionnels et anti-spéculation. C'est pourquoi nous sommes accompagnés de spécialistes du secteur.

La technologie cible Smart Contract Blockchain qui doit sécuriser, réguler et faciliter les transactions nécessite un développement spécifique qui implique des compétences recherchées et encore limitées. La vision cible d’·ispalis· est de se positionner comme un acteur majeur de l’analyse des données de son marché afin de fournir les meilleurs indicateurs à ses clients. Le développement de modèles spécifiques et leur maintien dans le temps sera un de ses axes de différenciation vis-à-vis de ses concurrents.

No.B.: over time, new risks may emerge and those presented may evolve.

To receive our detailed business plan, contact us at camille@ispalis.com



·ispalis· has been strengthened by involving a resource dedicated to the regulatory part (Chief Legal Officer) in order to monitor this project. We first validated the possibility of launching our CaaS activity without the need for an authorization and we are discussing with the AMF (Financial Markets Authority) and the ACPR (Risk Prevention Control Authority) on the terms to obtain the necessary approvals for the responsible and solidarity-based savings activity.

At the same time, a resource dedicated to marketing and commercial development has joined us and it also supports winegrower sourcing activities.

Finally, ·ispalis·, which recruited its first employee, a work-study communications and social media officer and a development intern, in December 2022, is also supported by other interns and Brand Ambassadors.


A hint of friendship, years of experience and a shared passion are at the origin of the birth of ·ispalis·

·ispalis· is above all a story of encounters: that of Jean-François Kilian, CEO and co-founder, and Sébastien Moitel, CTO and co-founder. With 30 years of experience in their respective fields and commonly sharing a passion for wines and spirits, they have decided to combine their knowledge and know-how to make investing in wine accessible to everyone. Starting from a simple observation, the savings solutions offered in banks are not diversified, Jean-François Kilian decides to think about an accessible, original, pleasant savings solution and takes Sébastien Moitel on board with him.

Strong values : transparency !

·ispalis· incorporates a veil of transparency into its DNA. The two founding friends want to share the whole process in order to build lasting knowledge about their company. This transparency is reflected in the management of their winegrower and financial partners, as well as in the breakdown of their offer. Throughout their journey with ispalis, the saver will then be reassured and safe.

Incubated within 1Kubator in Lille in April 2022, the start-up was born and officially launched in September 2022.

On December 5, 2022, ispalis won the Startup IotWeek prize awarded by Euratechnologies

On March 28, 2023 ·ispalis· joins the new class of Euratechnologies and starts the incubation program in the FinTech/InsurTech vertical!

🚀 The ·ispalis· adventure continues !



The project evaluation and investment statistics

Investments signe plus

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