Under no circumstances does WE DO GOOD advise investors on the investment or give any opinion on the chances of a project’s success. WE DO GOOD is not an investment advisor.
In general, the projects presented must comply with the general conditions of use of the platform and more specifically the specific conditions applicable. This page outlines some of these criteria and other elements of assessment taken into account.
The Project Owner must:
▶ be a legal person structure (company, association, etc.) registered in the euro zone, in the United Kingdom or in Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)
▶ send the information and documents to authenticate his identity and that of his company to our payment service provider Lemon Way
► not have a previous criminal record in the Judicial Register of Offenders.
▶ if the company is more than one year old, send the accounts for the closed financial years, as well as the certificates of vigilance (obtained from URSSAF for France) and fiscal regularity (obtained on the website of the tax service)
▶ not be subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, controlled management, suspension of payment or judicial liquidation proceedings.
▶ commit to the veracity of the information and documents provided
The Project must:
► have a complete business plan, presenting the team leading the project, the company, its strategy, with a detailed financial forecast for at least 3 years, as well as a financing plan; we check the presence of these elements but not the relevance of the strategy nor their consistency with respect to the market. See how the business plan is analyzed.
▶ be in the marketing or pre-marketing phase (revenue expected within a year)
▶ have a forward-looking economic model allowing the payment of royalties to investors; see how the level of royalties to be paid is calculated.
The project owner must be prepared to:
▶ communicate about your project and mobilize your personal network for fundraising
▶ communicate transparently to its investors on the development of its activity after fundraising
The following are not admissible:
► Any product or activity deemed illegal under the laws of the host country or regulations, applicable international conventions and agreements and projects whose content reproduces without authorization a work protected by intellectual property.
Projects that could violate a person’s human dignity or privacy.
▶ Projects whose words or purpose are racist, violent, abusive, defamatory, revisionist, condoning war crimes, calling for murder, inciting discrimination or hatred.
▶ Projects involving deforestation.
▶ Projects involving extraction and distribution infrastructure for fossil energy.
▶ Natural resource extraction activities not engaged in a sustainability approach with respect to their sector.
▶ Projects related to weapons, sects, gambling.
► Real estate development projects.
▶ Intensive animal breeding or non-reasoned agriculture projects.
► Educational projects which would highlight the non-eligibility criteria mentioned here or which include advertising aimed at minors.
In addition, any project related to the following themes must provide additional evidence on the ethics and integration of respect for the human person at the physical and intellectual level: suicide, pornography, religion, video surveillance and security, advertising.
Societal Impact Project
For all the projects presented on the platform, the WE DO GOOD impact committee analyzes their positive impacts and validates or not the attribution of economic, social or environmental impact badges.
Projects with an environmental impact can also apply for the Crowdfunding for Green Growth label, by fulfilling a criteria grid defined by the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition.

At the top of each project’s presentation, you can identify its positive impacts by the badges assigned to it. Similarly, the label awarded by the Department is identifiable at the beginning of the pitch.
Then, ahead of the investment phase, the project goes through an evaluation phase open to the public, during which Internet users can express their opinion and ask questions of the project owner. Comments can be published publicly, depending on the evaluator’s choice, and can be seen at the bottom of the project presentation page to connected users.
The evaluators express themselves on the risk of the project, assigning it a score of 1 (very low) to 5 (very high) and this data is then displayed on the “Financial Data” portion of the project.
At the end of the fundraising,
▶ have structured their project with the manager working full time in the company
▶ the accounts must be kept by a third-party accountant and the annual accounts sent to WE DO GOOD