Support meaningful projects and assess their impact
At WE DO GOOD, we believe in the potential for transforming society through committed economic players, keen to combine a viable economic model with strong social or environmental ambitions.
For all the projects presented on the platform, the WE DO GOOD impact committee analyzes the information communicated by the project leaders in the “Positive impacts” part of their presentation. We validate or not the attribution of badges of economic, social or environmental impact on the basis of the various issues raised.
To obtain a badge, the project must provide a direct response, measurable (or justified for the internal impacts of the company engaged) and detailed on the impacts below.
Projects with positive impacts are highlighted and benefit from additional promotion in communication.

The impact assessment was revised in early 2021. Projects that have already started fundraising have not been evaluated on the same basis. More specifically, the “committed company” badge did not exist, the commitments of the companies it includes were directly validated as economic, social or environmental impacts.

► Economic and employment development
How many new sustainable jobs will have been created by your activity? How many businesses will have been able to grow thanks to your product / service? Specify how.
► Local economic resilience
How many actors will have been able to exchange at the local level thanks to your product / service? For what volume of flow? Specify the players involved, how you ensure a fair distribution of the value created, and what you are putting in place to help the territories protect themselves in the event of a crisis.
► Encouragement of innovation
How many players will they have been able to innovate thanks to your products / services? To what extent? Specify the actors concerned, how you share the innovation and encourage these actors to innovate.
► Open and transparent
How many players will have been able to improve their governance by integrating their stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, citizens …) thanks to your products / services? To what extent? Specify the actors involved, how and with which written governance mechanisms that are sustainable over time.
► Economic efficiency
How many players will have been able to improve the yield, performance, productivity or profitability of their activity by optimizing the consumption of resources thanks to your products / services? To what extent? Specify the actors involved and how.

► Working conditions
How many people will have benefited from better working conditions thanks to your products / services? To what extent? Specify the beneficiaries, the leverage (time range, ergonomics, atmosphere, social benefits …) and how.
► Social link
How many people in a situation of exclusion will have benefited from better or more lasting social ties thanks to your products / services? Specify the beneficiary public and the actions implemented for these people.
► Access to employment
How many people will have found a job more easily thanks to your activity? Specify the target groups, what discrimination (age, gender, origins, disability, etc.) will have been reduced and how.
Living conditions
How many people will have benefited from better living conditions thanks to your products / services? Specify the beneficiary audiences, the levers (access to culture, education, housing, security, well-being, health, etc.) on which the project acts, the benefits provided and by what means (tangible and intangible).

If your project has a strong environmental impact, you can apply for the French Crowdfunding for Green Growth label.
► Resource conservation
How much of the resources present in nature (water, air, earth, topsoil, minerals …) will it have been preserved thanks to your products / services? Specify how and any waste avoided.
► Protection of biodiversity
How many living beings / ecosystems will have been protected thanks to your products / services? To what extent? Specify the species that the project protects (microorganisms, plants, animals), how and in which geographical areas.
► Pollution reduction
How much pollution (CO2, light, sound, thermal, biological …) will have been avoided thanks to your products / services? Specify how and in which geographic areas.
► Eco-responsible product or service
How many products / services will have been replaced or avoided by more sustainable and eco-designed alternatives? Or how many people will have been encouraged to adopt eco-responsible behavior (eco-mobility, anti-waste, local and seasonal consumption, etc.)? Specify how and what alternatives you are replacing or improving.
► Respect for the living
How many living beings will have been positively impacted by your products / services? Specify the species concerned (animal, plant, etc.), how to improve their well-being, the benefits provided or the actions allowing humans to be linked to other living beings, to their environment, to nature, to Earth…

What are you doing in your organization to act responsibly and how do you justify it?
► At the economic level
- Local commitment
- Open source innovation
- Internal governance
- Efficiency
► At the social level
- Working conditions of employees
- Recruitment Policy
► At the environmental level
- Natural resource savings
- Commitment to biodiversity, particularly in the project activity areas
- Measurement, limitation and compensation of the environmental footprint
The opinions of potential investors, the WE DO GOOD community and all Internet users count for each project.
You too can participate in the evaluation of the impacts of projects, via their presentation page. When a project is in the evaluation phase before its fundraising, it is possible to assign a score for each impact, to provide any comments, and all this in 2 minutes!
This evaluation allows project leaders to improve their presentation, by providing details on subjects that do not seem clear from the point of view of their evaluators. It can also give them ideas to improve their economic, social and environmental impact afterwards.