This project is handled by Patrick Polge

Impacts (know more) : eco-responsible product or service, access to employment, economic and employment development
WE HAVE JUST EXCEEDED THE SOFT CAP of 10,000 euros. Any new investment allows us to develop new partnerships, win new customers and provide our platform with maximum security features, tools for tracking energy purchases. Depending on the amount invested, IDYEE partner with Tree Nation, offers you a or more trees from the planet's re-forestation program with visualization of the associated CO2 offsets. From 100 to 500 € = 1 TREE - From 501 to 1000 € = 5 TREES-From 1001 to 3000 € = 10 TREES-From 3001 to 5000 € = 50 TREES

/ Return on investment /

0 % of the revenue generated
I.e. in total 0(gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Targeted return on investment:
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
Risk of losing the entire investment. Maximum return on investment: x3.
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.

/ Presentation /



Project labeled “Crowdfunding for Green Growth”
by the French Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition.

The Energy platform companies & Utilities


Climate challenges have never been higher, many initiatives are taken across the planet. States are mobilizing for  ZERO Carbon in industries and the entire value chain of our modern economy.

Energie Marketplace powered by IDYEE is a platform that simplifies the search for energy solutions for players who must integrate a CSR approach within their company or on the territory.

Numerous scientific studies highlight environmental and social degradation with unprecedented and high-profile ecological mobilization. These degradations constitute, for companies, the unavoidable challenge of the next 10 to 20 years.


“The SME of the 21st century, unless it puts itself in danger, cannot remain on the fringes of an irreversible evolution of regulation, collective consciousness and consequently of the economy”.

The business growth model that favors profit first without taking into account its negative impacts is partly the cause of these degradations. Companies have a major role to play in the environmental and social transition, thanks to their capacity for innovation and their solutions, in response to the needs and expectations of our society.

Some companies begin a gradual shift towards a “raison d’être”, others go beyond it and become “mission-oriented” companies. To continue their development, companies must now operate to significantly reduce their negative impacts from their activities, and make a positive contribution by creating shared value. Those who do not adhere to these guidelines will no longer be competitive. On the other hand, those who integrate these issues with responsibility will be able to remain so in a highly competitive economic environment by developing a stronger competitive advantage.

Consequently, the way of creating value must be reinvented in the light of environmental and social issues. This means for a company that its business model must be redesigned, adopting a different reasoning and positioning.

This necessarily involves integrating sustainable development at the heart of its business strategy, governance, culture and innovation process by placing people at the center of its concerns. Unfortunately, most companies do not have a clear vision of how their value chain will be affected.



We don’t believe in the status quo and I want to lift the brakes !

At the end of my experience as a manager at the heart of the energy supply trades at the regional level within a local energy player in Grenoble, and nationally within an energy subsidiary from a large French group, I decided to create IDYEE and its platform of energy solutions ENERGIE MARKETPLACE.

Nearly 5 million companies in France, 23 million in Europe will quickly be confronted with the need for awareness. In Europe, while on December 11, 2019 the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen presented the “GREEN DEAL”, Frans Timmermans, European Commissioner recalled how much the cost of inaction will be higher.

This cost is in fact estimated by the ADEME according to the scenarios, from 5% to 20% of world GDP, against 1% for that of the action (Source Territory and climate). The cost of inaction did not anticipate the number of deaths and the economic impacts associated with COVID-19, which is known to spread due to human activity and deforestation.

In total, the OECD forecasts an initial drop in activity of more than 25 percentage points of GDP for France and an overall drop in consumption of more than 30%.

Similar orders of magnitude are expected for all the countries studied, between -25% and -30% of activity during confinement. Germany would be the most affected, in terms of industry. (Updated April 7, 2020)

With IDYEE we decided to act and focus on solutions

IDYEE is a member of French Tech in Grenoble, and as such is in contact with an ecosystem carrying projects dedicated to energy efficiency for a more carbon neutral world.


The efficiency of the solutions presented by IDYEE are recognized by the Solar Impulse Foundation, which has become a member of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions. This allows us to build relationships and connect with a community of actors committed to common goals.

These links allow us to feed our technological watch. “Energie Marketplace” is a multidisciplinary and impartial ecosystem of energy solutions (Blockchain energy exchange for a certified production and consumption on a peer 2 peer private system on-boarded on the plateforme, energy audit, data-science, group purchasing, certification of environmental standards, production certification, LED lighting solutions, project management assistance for communities, mobility solutions, smart-grid architecture, network data management, etc.) for businesses and regions.

Within a “Green Room”, we will very quickly include a dozen specialized energy consultancy firms, both large players and freelancers, capable of supporting the CSR strategy of companies and utilities.

To resume

To date, more than twenty companies that are experts in energy solutions trust us. Our advertising partners already cover more than 35 solutions that touch on energy efficiency, training, optimization and green energy purchasing solutions, green digital solutions.

For example, some of our consultants offer reinforcement in CSR strategy, innovation and marketing and are specialized in digitalization, energy transition and smart grids. Still on the solutions, we will provide LED lighting solutions, which consume less energy, whose reimbursement of the investment (rent on lease) is ensured by the energy savings achieved.

Our turnover will be made up:

– Advertisers’ subscriptions

– The% on the turnover achieved by the solutions purchased via the marketplace channel

– Retrocession of fees for consultants in% ranging from 10% to 30% depending on the consultant under agreement.

– Retrocession of commissions linked to the activities of disseminated within the marketplace

– Sales of banner space in the context of the purchase of pixels by advertisers for promotional action (aircraft carrier and awards)


We want to raise a minimum of € 10,000 with an ambition of € 150,000 maximum on WEDOGOOD  for an MVP operational scaling in order to finance the “setup” of our technical platform with more complete functionalities and ergonomics than the platform currently implemented online beta test:

We have just found our technical solution provider (COCOLABS) to support us with a 1st phase in SAAS mode (deployment mid-March 2020), then in the second phase the design of our “friendly users” platform with full functionality in PHP language under Symfony framework to ensure the sustainability and continuity of our platform by owning the code (T1 2021).

The customized technical “setup” will represent 1/3 of the investments.

The other funding items are: Operations staff: sales representatives for prospecting customers (advertisers and end customers), social media manager, CTO, CFO 1/3 Inbound Marketing, Media and Communication Strategy 1/3


Return on your investment

In exchange for your investment, you receive a quarterly share of IDYEE’s turnover for 5 years. The simulator lets you know the amount likely to be redistributed to you if we reach the forecast turnover. This amount will be prorated according to the level of turnover achieved.


IDYEE SAS is a SASU Société Anonyme à Sole Shareholder created at the end of 2019 with a share capital of 100 euros. She is represented by Patrick POLGE, its founding CEO. its capital is 100% owned by its parent company SASu COSINUS with a capital of 1000 euros, of which Patrick POLGE is the Founding President holding 100% of the capital. COSINUS generates a turnover of 2000 euros before tax monthly and feeds an order book on expert outsourcing missions for European and national projects, support in advisory missions on the “LOI ELAN” and the Tertiary decree in France.


Cosinus SASu specializes in consulting activities on the themes of “Change management in the energy sector”, digitalization, business processes and governance. Carries out missions with energy stakeholders. is a platform that sells energy (electricity and gas) in the form of a prepaid package by placing the customer at the center of its consumption and giving it access to eco-responsible options.



Positive impacts

The ambition of Energie Marketplace is to bring together on a single interface a globality of energy solutions totally dedicated to the CSR strategy under the dimension of energy efficiency and optimization of the purchasing processes of companies and communities on their territory.

Our solution combines economic performance

with social & climatic challenges.



We participate in economic development and employment by creating 5 jobs over 2 years.

We are making our contribution to local economic resilience by promoting local green energy production initiatives in short circuits. In order to support energy producers, we have signed a partnership with LENDOSPHERE, crowdfunding platform dedicated to energy and ecological transition projects.

As a member of the French Tech In the Alps, we encourage innovation and support start-ups with our Welcome Welldone offer. This offer allows founders to gain visibility and disseminate their innovative solutions dedicated to energy efficiency with access to a community of beta testers.



We wish to develop an inclusive approach by entrusting missions to employees of associations such as:

  • The association of the paralyzed in France APF France handicap
  • The Ulisse Energie association

Through its partnership with GRIDMATES under an exclusive distribution contract for France, IDYEE and its Energy Marketplace sells a white label application solution, which allows companies and communities to set up a shared energy program for the benefit of associations with a social vocation.

Thus, employees or customers can get involved by monetizing the energy savings made in the form of donations for the benefit of vulnerable groups. As part of the fight against fuel poverty that affects 5 million homes (12 million people) in France according to the ONPE (National Observatory of Energy Loss), we are partners of the HOPE Chair of the Grenoble INP foundation, this chair aims to coordinate research work in the fight against fuel poverty.

IDYEE and its founder contribute to the feedback of the solutions implemented, in particular by social landlords (potential customers of our platform) and communities across the territories.


Our quality charter clearly expresses:

“Our marketplace aims to be a trusted third party in the context of connecting customer users and advertisers who present their energy service solutions for the benefit of green growth. Thus, advertisers undertake to disseminate offers aimed at to participate with commitment and relevance in the green growth of the audiences to which they are addressed. “

Our project carries our sustainable development commitments

SDG 7 = “Green energy purchasing” solutions, group purchasing, geolocated research make it possible to pursue this objective

SDG 9 = The innovative solutions of startups, and the optimization of networks and the management of network infrastructures meet its objectives

SDG 11: smartgrid, mobility solutions (electric and / or CNG Natural Gas Vehicle) and assistance to the project owner meet its objectives

SDG 12: The CSR strategies put in place, a more sober consumption of energy thanks to the CSR policy integrated in the heart of companies and on the territories, production cycles taking into account standardizations, united approaches to fight against exclusion and precariousness (Gridmates solution) must meet its objectives.

SDG 17: The construction of an ecosystem of partners within the Energie Marketplace and of stakeholders with a common goal of responsible and inclusive policy (public in energy poverty) is in line with this objective. We also want to offer a transparency model in terms of energy efficiency by highlighting the actions taken by end customers on the Energie Marketplace in terms of CO2 and GHGs that are not emitted.

The energy code also provides that the ISO 50001 standard certification allows an exemption from the compulsory energy audit of electro-intensive companies and opens up a reduction in the TURPE (Tariff for the Use of Public Electricity Networks) which represents more 40% of companies’ energy bills.
The solutions of our advertising partners disseminated on the ENERGY MARKETPLACE platform are already proven. Our platform, a trusted third party for new players in the energy transition and our end customers, promotes the efficiency of its solutions.

For example, our offer with a partnership agreement   & are B CORP, certification for business company which act with an high level for social and environmental responsibility with  a clear and public gouvernance.

Some of others solutions from   provide the ability for consumer to be prosumer and engage his energy use consumption and give awards and rewards to challenge his energetic sobriety.

Finally, we have chosen to launch our crowdfunding campaign with ,  B CORP certified.

Our relationship with our advertising partners and our customers will allow us to recover the metrics observed following the actions carried out. A “continuous” meter on the ENERGY MARKETPLACE platform and on the IDYEE site will highlight the volumes of CO2 avoided and the savings made:

We have also subscribed to the Wattimpact Green Digital Site certification which we wish to promote with our customers.

Our service offering is eco-responsible in this respect since it encourages combining economic performance and social and responsible “raison d’être”.



Energy Market powered by IDYEE is a platform that simplifies the search for energy solutions for players who integrate a CSR approach within their company or on the territory. Some examples of solutions that we wish to make available on ENERGIE MARKETPLACE

Market, customers and position

The energy efficiency market is booming and the guidelines of the Multi-year Energy Programming (PPE) confirms the trend towards concerted action by all stakeholders in the territories. Energy intensity has decreased by 1.4% per year in recent years. This means that we produce as much with less energy.

However, the decline is not fast enough. The level of final energy consumption was 1,643 TWh in 2017, in the reference scenario, it drops by 7% in 2023 and by 14% in 2028 compared to 2012 with a target of 1,420 TWh.

All sectors are affected by these objectives.

Final consumption 2017 and projected by activity sector Source PPE

The energy efficiency market represents 13.5 billion euros in France 325 billion across Europe before the release of the European Commission Green Deal (1000 billion).

For the French market:

EUR 0.4 billion linked to heritage analysis services
1.7 bn EUR related to study and engineering activities
EUR 11.3 billion linked to operation, installation and maintenance

The energy services and energy efficiency market (including supply) therefore experienced growth of 14.4% in 2015 compared to the 2013 value.

To create the conditions for a lasting dynamic of actions in favor of energy efficiency at the demand level and to ensure the development of a quality and legible Energy Efficiency Service offer, various recommendations were made.

They were organized around the following 4 key actions:

  • Make known and make subscribe
  • Initiating decisions & taking action
  • Animate and perpetuate
  • Ensure the development of a quality, legible and sustainable Energy Efficiency Service offer

These actions are those that IDYEE wishes to implement with the Energie Marketplace.

Our customers are in particular PME PMI (4.5 million in France), which today are potentially weakened to maintain their level of competitiveness while meeting social and environmental challenges.

IDYEE and its Energy Marketplace differentiates itself from its competitors by the global offer of solutions offered on different mobilization axes (Blockchain certification for local green energy consumption and the renewable decentralized energy promotion, mobility, efficiency, photovoltaic self-consumption, demand response, it allows a wide choice in the composition of the companies’ CSR roadmap and communities).


In France and with the development of the customer experience and taking into account the dimension of use, many service platforms are emerging in different fields of activity.

However, there are very few energy services marketplace, most of which are marketplaces offering equipment and instrumentation products for steering.

Large groups such as SIEMENS and SCHNEIDER offer marketplaces essentially dedicated to large industries with a proposal of solutions from their generic catalog.

Design offices and consultants can in a way be considered as competitors. Competition is strong in a developing market.

We want to forge alliances and create a consortium with the reference design offices to integrate them within our platform and thus allow them to diversify their customer acquisition channel while minimizing their prospecting costs.

Business Model 


Ressources and Partners

  • Project resources

Currently, the structure is essentially based on the founder and a community of energy experts who provide their views on the model under development.

IDYEE also benefits from the work of students of the Master Management and Marketing of Energy from GEM (Grenoble Ecole de Management) and from exchanges with INNOENERGY

  • Technical partners

Technical platform: COCOLABS is a French start-up, specialized in the realization of service marketplace. It has just developed an offer in SAAS mode entitled “HATCH” which allows the implementation of a semi-open services marketplace (with validation of advertisers and type of ads) for a reasonable price under license with a subscription . During the launch, the first features expected are met by our specifications. During the setup of a platform with extended functionalities, we will retain the same service provider, who is very attentive to our needs, which is itself expressed by the beta testers of the platform.

  • Overview of some partners (some partnerships cannot be disclosed at this stage under NDA)



The prospects for the development of the project are linked to this first fundraising and to the Equity roundtable (capital increase) which will allow us to scale up our project. We will carry out the necessary arbitrations inherent in the amount subscribed.

Our future ambitions are to consolidate new universes of needs on the “thickness” side of the advertiser offer and to generate enough “leads” to bring the model to the national territory then in the medium term on a European scale.



Financial data

Mode de financement : investissement en royalties
Durée de l’investissement : 5 ans
Pourcentage de chiffre d’affaires versé chaque trimestre : 8% maximum (pour 150 000 € levés)
Rentabilité visée : 47,47 % bruts en 5 ans (risque de perte intégrale de l’investissement, gain maximum : x 3)
Risque : 2,88 sur 5 – modéré (évalué par les internautes lors de la phase d’évaluation)


Années Année 1 Année 2 Année 3 Année 4 Année 5
CA prévisionnel 25 000 € 600 000 € 670 000 € 700 000 € 770 000 €

Our forecast turnover is based on the sale of consulting solutions and commissioned business solutions. It is also inherent in the subscribed amount sought within the framework of the participatory investment campaign on WE DO GOOD. Our forecast in Year 1 is voluntarily estimated in “low range”. Overall, over the entire forecast BP, in support of the knowledge of metrics linked to our experience, we wanted to have a cautious approach. Knowing that an equity fundraising is also sought in 2020 in order to go further.


As part of its fundraising campaign in royalties IDYEE SA, which supports the Energie Marketplace project, thanks the internet users who invest in the project by offering trees belonging to the reforestation program of

So IDYEE give you : 

Regarding your royalties:

By investing, you subscribe to IDYEE SAS for a royalty on the turnover of the company, proportional to your investment. The total of investors will receive 8% of the turnover made each year for a fundraising of € 150,000.

If IDYEE realizes its forecast, the return for each investor will be + 53% gross in 5 years.

What happens if the forecast is not reached?

In the event that the forecast is not reached after 5 years and the activity continues, IDYEE will continue to pay the royalties until full reimbursement of the amount invested.

When do payments start?

The Royalty is sold over a period of 5 years from 01/10/2020 and will be paid to investors each quarter.

Provisional payment table:
Date Mois Année Versement sur les revenus de :
15/01/2021 Janvier 2021 Octobre, novembre, décembre 2020
15/04/2021 Avril 2021 Janvier, février, mars 2021
15/07/2021 Juillet 2021 Avril, mai, juin 2021
15/10/2021 Octobre 2021 Juillet, août, septembre 2021
15/01/2022 Janvier 2022 Octobre, novembre, décembre 2021
15/04/2022 Avril 2022 Janvier, février, mars 2022
15/07/2022 Juillet 2022 Avril, mai, juin 2022
15/10/2022 Octobre 2022 Juillet, août, septembre 2022
15/01/2023 Janvier 2023 Octobre, novembre, décembre 2022
15/04/2023 Avril 2023 Janvier, février, mars 2023
15/07/2023 Juillet 2023 Avril, mai, juin 2023
15/10/2023 Octobre 2023 Juillet, août, septembre 2023
15/01/2024 Janvier 2024 Octobre, novembre, décembre 2023
15/04/2024 Avril 2024 Janvier, février, mars 2024
15/07/2024 Juillet 2024 Avril, mai, juin 2024
15/10/2024 Octobre 2024 Juillet, août, septembre 2024
15/01/2025 Janvier 2025 Octobre, novembre, décembre 2024
15/04/2025 Avril 2025 Janvier, février, mars 2025
15/07/2025 Juillet 2025 Avril, mai, juin 2025


Please note: these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It’s up to you to assess the forecast and the strategy to assess whether you can hope to earn more or less than the annual yield announced. Do not hesitate to contact us. Your maximum risk is the complete loss of your investment, and you find at best three times your investment.

Main risk factors linked to the activity and the project :

  • Insufficient fundraising to bring the project to scale: We meet with business leaders and venture capitalists to complete our round table.
  • Inbound marketing strategy that does not generate leads: We have contacted specialized agencies in order to address the best expertise while making sure to minimize our costs.
  • Virality of disquality of one or more advertisers: Our platform is “semi-open”, this means that we take the greatest care in the selection of our advertisers with an explicit quality charter and very demanding indicators (KPI).
  • We have also provided for a ban procedure in the event of behavior that does not comply with our quality charter.
  • Possible failure of one or more advertisers: KYC (Know Your Customer) information is requested from each advertiser when signing partnership agreements, before deploying their ads. We thus ensure the legal capacity of the signatories of our agreements as well as their morality and approval to disseminate their offers;
  • Risk related to the financial position of the company: Currently, before the fundraising of this offer, the company has sufficient net working capital to meet its obligations and its cash requirements for Next 6 months.
  • Sources of funding under study in connection with the project presented for the following 6 months: Advertiser contracts and turnover generated.

N.B .: over time, new risks may appear and those presented may evolve.

To receive our detailed business plan, contact us at




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Patrick was Managing Director of CDiscount Energie and Greenyellow offers before founding the Cosinus Group and its subsidiary IDYEE. Recognized as a growth leader by Décideurs Magazine (January 2019 Edition) in the GreenTech Energy category, it is driven by responsible entrepreneurship and wishes to combine economic performance with the challenges of the energy transition in order to work for a better world. He is very attentive to the challenges of human development and responsible investment.

He is a member of the Corp Energy Strategic Committee, the Advisory Board for France of the Gridmates solution (USA), a shared energy program.

Patrick is also accompanied by a strategic council bringing together former energy managers, professors of specialized Masters in energy and consultants.



The project evaluation and investment statistics

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