/ Return on investment /
I.e. in total 0 € (gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Year |
0 € |
0 € |
0 € |
0 € |
0 € |
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.
/ Presentation /
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“GOOD Power” is WE DO GOOD’s crowdfunding campaign. After 2 years of experimenting, succeeding in the biggest royalties fundraising campaign and obtaining the official accreditation of the Financial services cluster Finance Innovation, we need to invest to keep on boosting projects with a positive impact and to accelerate our development. That’s why we launch our own royalty crowdfunding campaign… on our own platform WEDOGOOD.co!
The success of the royalties method for other start-ups on our platform made it the logical choice for our own start-up.
To invest in royalties means to contribute to the success of an entrepreneur and receive every 3 months a share of his sales revenue.
WE DO GOOD: the dream of a high value-added crowdfunding.
Our assessment: crowdfunding is a beautiful promise but…
… is it really innovative? Giving, lending and capital investing are the financing methods promoted by most platforms. They are quite standard and already existed before the digital revolution.
… is it really accessible to all? An entrepreneur who decides to launch a campaign, with few resources and no interesting rewards to propose, has really few chances to succeed, even if he has a great project. Especially if he wants to take few risks or doesn’t want to t share the property of his project.
What if we developed a high value-added crowdfunding? A crowdfunding that facilitates the transition to a positive economy, empowering each and every one with sustainable business models?
It’s this ambition that, little by little, gathered a team of committed professionals dreaming of a world where everyone can be a changemaker, by investing or creating new business activities. It’s this ambition that inspired us to develop a new crowdfunding method, more flexible, simple and fair.
Today, WE DO GOOD is a promising startup in a promising market
With the success of Naoden’s fundraising campaign (€ 90,000), we proved that royalties, the investment method that we developed in France, as well as our support method, have a real value for entrepreneurs: we allow them to raise large amounts, to gather their community, while preserving their capital.
Now it’s about accelerating our own development as, at WE DO GOOD, we are not short of ideas: we just lack of financial resources to implement them! #GOODpower is the formalization of this ambition to move to a higher level.
A fundraising to go even further
We seek € 50,000 to € 120,000 to consolidate and implement 5 lines of work that will be the heart of our business for the coming months; (you can find the details in the Strategy section):
- put our legal and financial creativity at the service of a more sustainable economy #fintech
- contribute to the rise and the development of positive impact entrepreneurs #socent
- continue to build a liberated, collaborative and open start-up #share
- boost promising and sustainable lines of business #sustainability
- be precursors of a responsible web #greenIT
To put these lines of work in place, we essentially need human resources (HR): 1 sales representative, 1 web developer, 1 communication’s manager, 1 cover charge, 1 manager / business developer.
Indeed, WE DO GOOD can only exist today because of the passionate but unpaid work of its team. This is a huge advantage because our skills have been tested and validated in the field. Today, we need to sustain these jobs.
Thus, for every € 2,500 collected, you help financing the rent and the position of a Team member for 1 month, to implement the actions identified in our strategy.
Join the adventure by supporting an entrepreneurship who helps changing the world! Invest in royalties in a project we really care about and to which we dedicate 150% of our time with commitment and optimism.
In return for your investment, you will receive quarterly a percentage of WE DO GOOD’s gross sales revenue for a period of 5 years.

Positive impacts
WE DO GOOD, an impact booster
At WE DO GOOD, we only select social or green projects. It’s somewhat as if our good power could be multiplied to infinity (and beyond)!
We thus reinforce the indirect impacts generated by the entrepreneurs that we support, in various areas: organic farming, energy transition, zero waste, access to culture, training… You can find all projects accompanied by us in the page “projects” of this website.
Promote a sustainable economy
- By helping social entrepreneurs be known and funded, we want to raise awareness on the possibility and the relevance of connecting business activities and a social impact and get people committed to it.
- Our communication promotes projects and events about these topics, on social networks and in our monthly newsletter.
- Creating bridges between virtual and real is essential! That is why we often organize and participate to events to meet super-heroes of the economy, for example conferences, drinks, MKS Room (when art and entrepreneurship meet)…
Contribute to develop a more human centered finance system
Our ambition: drive finance flows to projects that make sense and propose a new funding model adapted to impact investing.
Royalty crowdfunding is a perfect tool for that: by keeping the company’s control to its founders, it lets them full freedom to drive on the long term their project vision and develop both their impacts and revenues. On their side, investors don’t have to deal with the problem of selling their shares, which lets them free to help the entrepreneur reveal his super-powers and surpass his forecast!
Create jobs
By developing WE DO GOOD, we create jobs in a promising industry: crowdfunding and impact entrepreneurship!
Spread spirit of sharing and cooperation
We work within networks, with actors who, like us, work for a positive economy and contribute to activating entrepreneur’s super-powers, which explains our numerous partnerships. Our collaborative spirit is often contagious to the entrepreneurs we support.
For example, it was Nkita (a designer who creates furniture out of recycled cardboard, who already succeeded a fundraising on WEDOGOOD.co) who created the decoration and the furniture of another project’s shop “La Puce à l’Oreille”, an ethical shop which sells eco-design toys made in France, who just successfully finished its fundraising.
This illustrates well how strong WE DO GOOD’s community is, and it wasn’t the first time: Matin Gourmand, a caterer from Nantes which was also on WE DO GOOD to develop its zero waste offer, contributed to the launching party of Wouep!, another one of our projects.
We are sometimes quite surprised, especially when we see some of our entrepreneurs investing on other projects!
Support committed entrepreneurs
We support entrepreneurs who address important social and environmental issues, in order to combine economic efficiency and serve common good.
Be happy at work
We are committed to well-being at work : WE DO GOOD ‘s approach aims to make work a path to self-fulfillment for each one of us. Things we do: psychological MBTI profiles sharing, “clean language” practices, regular sport practice and soon a “FEEL GOOD” week-end with a naturopath.
A collaborative governance
Each one of us is involved in the company’s management. We have set up collaborative tools inspired by liberated companies, sociocracy and holocracy in order to have a flat and dynamic governance.
Do good
It seems naive, but it’s very important for us: to communicate a positive energy around us is a way to resist and to contribute to a countercurrent dynamic, which allows to draw a desirable future, the realistic utopia we dream of.
Doing good goes through daily optimism, a team made of very different profiles agreeing on a common goal, an allusion on our business cards…
As Anouk, one of the members of the community close to WE DO GOOD (the GOODLab), says: “WE DO GOOD means hope, clearly !”
Sustainable buying
We work as far as possible with local and committed suppliers, which represents for us a concrete expression of entrepreneurial super-powers. Regarding communication documents, we systematically work with printers certified Imprim’Vert. For the website hosting, we have chosen to work with GANDI which is committed to transparency and the support of positive initiatives. And, when we organise events, we favour local and, if possible, organic food.
Consuming less energy
For the year to come, we want to progress on our Green IT objective (having a website with a low energy consumption). Moreover, our web developer Emilien assisted the last Green Code Lab Challenge (the biggest international green code contest) !
In our day-to-day business, we already have a few rules, such as reducing mail attachments and using links to our press releases instead of uploading a new file for every journalist.
Finally, on transport, we prefer carpooling, public transportation and active movements (cycling, walking, rollers!) to the maximum.
WE DO GOOD has an unique value proposition which was proven right on a fast growing market: the royalty based crowdfunding.

WE DO GOOD has an unique value proposition which was proven right on a fast growing market: the royalty based crowdfunding.
We are between 2 promising markets:
The sustainable economy market, which includes the green and the social economy, that are growing fast, despite the economic crisis : 3,9 % and 2,3 % per year, according to the the French National Council of Regional Chambers of Social Economy (CNCRES)
The crowdfunding market, which doubles its size every year in terms of amount raised, due to:
- The Internet, which enables the democratization of funding (used to be accessible to experts only)
- The organisation of the market’s actors through the France Crowdfunding Association, to which we belong
- The action of politics which made regulation evolve quite quickly, to widen the scope of this new finance
- The lack of faith in big companies, especially in banks, which motivates the citizens to regain control of their savings and to make them meaningful. This is when we offer an innovative investment method, accessible from 10€ to simplify this act! #GOODpower
Our clients are:
- entrepreneurs seeking to have a positive social or environmental impact, with a viable and sustainable economic model,
- institutional support networks for training,
- actors who want to initiate a territorial or thematic crowdfunding process.
On the crowdfunding market, we stand out :
- by being specialized in projects with a positive environmental or social impact,
- by being the first platform in France which offers funding through royalties for entrepreneurs. This method of financing is often considered as the future of crowdfunding, particularly by experts in the US, where it is already widespread,
- by a dynamic and tested support adapted to entrepreneurial projects.
1/ Royalty crowdfunding: a sustainable financing method
Royalties allow entrepreneurs to raise funds without diluting their capital nor running into debts ; it’s the ideal funding method for the initiating phase.
For the investor, the great benefit is a better balance between risks and potential reward, compared to loan or equity : in the end, he is guaranteed to receive anyway at least what he provided. The risk is gradually softened as the royalties payoffs accumulate (the risk on the invested amount approaches 0 after four to five years).
We charge a success commission of 1/11 of the collected amount (9,09% pre-tax), all-in, and digressive for amounts higher than 100.000€.
More than just a provider, WE DO GOOD is a committed partner during the whole campaign, but also during the period of royalties payments.
2/ A communication and CSR support for entrepreneurs
To optimize success odds of the crowdfunding campaigns, we systematically provide support to the entrepreneurs.
To express a clear commun engagement, entrepreneurs pay a symbolic deposit of the commission at the beginning of the project. We don’t charge the rest of the commission if the campaign doesn’t succeed.
When entrepreneurs need support to go further in their CSR and communication strategies, we propose complementary service deliveries, which enables us to have a more stable business model. We also propose these service deliveries to committed companies even if they are not seeking to raise funds..
3 / Consultancy and training to entrepreneurs support networks
The crowdfunding market is developing very fast. Entrepreneurs and support networks do sometimes have some difficulties to have all pros and cons in mind for every platform and type of financing available on the market. That is why we created trainings specially for them. For example, we animated in March 2015 a workshop for 20 entrepreneurs from the network « Women @ Nantes ».
Besides, our experience on CSR and sustainable business models also enable us to do talks on this subject. We specifically developed a new template for the Social Business Model Canvas, which takes into account negative impacts. This tool enables entrepreneurs to challenge their project’s business model regarding their environmental, social and economic impacts.
A GOOD Team with experience
WE DO GOOD’s team, “the GOOD Team”, was built in order to integrate all the skills required to the business model we want to develop: management, marketing, web development, law, finance, design, communication, community management.
Thus, we already know who this running fundraising campaign will enable us to employ, and we already know each other and how to work together. These persons have worked until now with passion but without revenue. Their skills have been validated on the past years and months. This is a true asset for our development.
Having the key competences in our team is an asset to assure coherence and perenity of the project, while creating local employment and generating positive impacts. For this, we have a global need of 250 000 €, the other functioning and human resources costs will be covered by an increasing turnover.
Relevant partnerships
When other resources appear to be needed, or when we identify an opportunity to work with a committed entity, we create partnerships:
- On financial aspects, WE DO GOOD is member of “Financement Participatif France”, which is a an association gathering all the crowdfunding professionals. We are also members the financial services cluster “Finance Innovation” and we work with MangoPay (Leetchi Corp, Credit Mutuel Arkéa) to make the payment system on the website possible.
- In order to promote a more responsible economy, we are partners or members of MakeSense, Le Mouves, Entrepreneurs d’Avenir, Ecossolies, Magasine Up, Boutique Solidaire Bretagne, Crisalide Eco-Activités, Bleu Blanc Zebre, Gandi and events like with OuiShare.
To support entrepreneurs, we are membres or we were supported by: French Tech Rennes-Saint-Malo, Atlantic 2.0, Alliance Centrale-Audencia-ensa’s incubator, Brittany Region, Rennes Atalante, Yao.
The running crowdfunding campaign will enable us to finance 5 jobs, which will enable us to work especially on these aspects :
Keep on putting our legal and financial creativity at the service of a more sustainable economy :
- Improve the investors’ security with the implementation of a direct debit to project leaders
- Raise awareness about royalties towards project leaders and investors
- Develop royalty crowdfunding by adapting it to other needs, such as a royalty method based on savings (energy saving for example)
Contribute to the rise and the development of positive impact entrepreneurs:
- Identify and select sustainable entrepreneurs
- Support more projects in their crowdfunding campaign (50 in 2016, 100 in 2017)
- Move to an office that enable us to welcome entrepreneurs, ideally with a coworking place for them
- Develop efficient tools, workshops and training sessions to help entrepreneurs and support networks to find sustainable business models and to succeed in their crowdfunding campaign
Continue to build a liberated, collaborative and open start-up:
- Manage and develop WE DO GOOD by testing, inventing new ways of working: liberated company, sociocratie, open governance
- Formalize and diffuse the governance tools we develop, and communicate our experience feedbacks
- Optimize the collaborative selection of projects (the vote phase) with the development of an non-financial rating tool
Boost promising and sustainable lines of business :
- Develop and animate collaborative projects with an autonomous business model, co-built with different actors, such as calls for projects (about Zero Waste or Solidarity between generations for instance) to put light and energy on issues we care about.
To optimise the web platform WEDOGOOD.co regarding ergonomics and energy consumption while learning about the best Green IT practices
In WE DO GOOD, we have plenty of ideas and ambition. In the coming years, we plan to go even further and develop the following actions:
- consulting services deliveries
- duplicating our project support model in other cities, and launching in other countries
- Working with media to highlight entrepreneurs with positive impact
So that we can develop all these actions, we plan to do an equity fundraising of 200 to 250 K€ in 2016.
WE DO GOOD is a SAS with a variable capital, with a minimum capital of 10.000 €, immatriculated in Rennes and based in Nantes.
6 associates with complementary skills and backgrounds undertake this project: Jean-David Bar (management and marketing), Adrien Dehelly (law and finance), Emilien Schneider (web development), Loeiza Coccolini (design), Marlène Blaise (animation – community management) and Susana Nunes (communication).

Financial data
► FUNDING MODE: investment in royalties – starting from 10 €
► PROFIT: 8,42 % a year (risk of complete loss of investment, maximum profit : x 2)
► RISK: 2.45 / 5 (estimated by the online community during the vote phase)
SR forecast board
In 2015 we collected more than 135.000 € and reached a turnover of 22.000 €. As the royalties reputation raises, the sums raised by projects increases as well. The turnover from campaigns (commission of 9.09% pre-tax) is completed by consultancy and communication service deliveries (see Strategy part).
In 2016 we are already working with a dozen projects in order to raise funds for the first semester.
As a comparison, since their creation, Unilend (crowdlending leader) raised 15 M€, KissKissBankBank and Ulule (crowdgiving leaders) collected more than 40 M€ each, WiSeed and Anaxago (equity leaders) more than 30 M€ each.
If the funds raised through crowdfunding keep on doubling each year in France, we should reach 4.5 billion € in 2020 ! They represented 2.3 billion € in UK in 2014.
Amount collected in billion €
French crowdfunding barometer
Source Financement Participatif France
According to these forecasts, in 2020 we will collect on WEDOGOOD.co 1% of the amounts raised through crowdfunding in France. This will represent the following market share:
- 2% of crowdinvesting
- 4% of crowdfunding for social/environmental projects
- 35% of royalty crowdfunding
Your investment
When you invest, you agree to receive royalties on the turnover of WE DO GOOD, proportional to your investment. Investors will receive 2% of the turnover reached quarterly for a fundraising of 120 000 €.
Each invested euro pays back quarterly 0,0000166667 % of the reached turnover :
- 100 € invested pays back 0,001666667 % of the turnover,
- 1 000 € pays back 0,0166666667 % of the turnover,
- 60 000 € pays back 1 % of the turnover,
- and so on…
If WE DO GOOD reaches its forecast, the average annual yield for each investor will be around 8.42%.
In case the forecast is not reached after 5 years, and activity keeps on, WE DO GOOD will keep paying royalties until total refund!
Payment of royalties
These numbers are based on an estimation of our turnover. It’s up to you to evaluate the forecast and strategy to estimate if you can hope to earn more or less than the announced annual yield. Your maximum risk is the total loss of your investment in case the activity stops, and, at best, you’ll recover the double of your investment.
Business plan
To make its proof of concept and get where we are today, WE DO GOOD has already collected 4,000 € of grants, 20,000 € of personal investments and 25,000 of family and friends investments (love money). The current fundraising will allow us to implement our business plan.
To receive our business plan, containing a profit and loss forecast and more detailed informations about the project, write us to the following address: investir@wedogood.co
Risk factors
Main risk factors linked to the activity or to the project :
- Competitive risk : given the growing interest of royalties, the arrival of a competitor with greater resources is a risk to our development. Nevertheless, our positioning and the spirit we are building around the WE DO GOOD’s brand would allow us to retain an important niche.
- Legal risk: royalties have not a specific legal framework today, regulatory uncertainty in France could represent an issue at some point on this investment method. We are part of the professional association Financement Participatif France with whom we lobby and act together if necessary (as was the case for changes in regulations for the crowdlending and equity).
- Human risk: one is never immune to an accident of life, that could endanger the company by touching a key skill. But the evolution of the project leads to a better distribution of the missions and thus dilutes the risk.
- Risk related to the financial situation of the company: currently, before the completion of this fundraising, the company does not have a net working capital sufficient to meet its obligations and its cash requirements for the next 6 months. Considered funding sources in connection with the submitted project for the next 6 months: development of sales, capital fundraising from business angels.
N.B.: over time, new risks might emerge and those presented may evolve.

A team without borders, committed to the GOOD.
WE DO GOOD is 6 associates (Jean-David Emilien, Adrien, Loeiza, Marlène, Susana): quite exceptional for a start-up and that’s not all !
There is also Johanna, Nadia and Akli who believe in WE DO GOOD and invest a great deal of energy too! Plus, there are all those we can’t mention one by one, who give their heart and sometimes their time! Among them: the 64 members of the GOOD Lab, the community that follows, supports, counsels and challenges us, or those who already support us financially: the 22 GOOD Investors in love money like Marie and Marie. And, of course, there are those who were there and whose path continued as Boubacar, or those who have been there as trainees, as Laura, Faouzi, Edward Alexander, Agathe Josephine or Lisa and those who do not really manage to quit us, like Théo.
The old branches (the team of associates)
Engaged shoots
Furthermore, there are all the communities to which we belong and with whom we set up events, joy and many other beautiful things! Because, yes, collaboration is in our nature and we would not know how to do otherwise
In sum, WE DO GOOD is all of us and much more: WE DO GOOD is also the community of all those who want to act for a positive impact economy!
For those who would like to learn more about the profile of the WE DO GOOD kingpins, do not hesitate to go for a ride on our team page!
Jean-David, the initiator of the project, started from a personal observation: he wanted to create a sustainable business while working for the environment and the society but lacked everything he needed to be able to do so (money, skills and notoriety). He decided then to create the company that would help entrepreneurs to create, grow and succeed: crowdfunding has thus established itself as the central element of this project.
Gradually, several people gathered around this dream of a world where everyone can become a changemaker, either by investing or by developing a project. Today, it is a team, a lot of motivation, creativity and, above all, commitment.
In December 2014, WE DO GOOD was one of the Dreamstorming winners, selected among 80 projects by Groupe SOS and Accenture France, to benefit from visibility and support.
And, at the end of 2015, the first proof of concept: the success of Naoden’s fundraising, an energy transition project, the largest royalties fundraising in France (€ 90,000), which was followed by the obtention of the official agreement of the Financial services cluster Finance Innovation.
Good points
We are often asked the question: but how many are you exactly at WE DO GOOD? The answer is sometimes hesitant, and often surprising. This is a priori quite simple, even if we are slightly more numerous than in most startups…
An example ? After a MakeSense event (international association supporting social entrepreurship), discussion between two guys:
– Guy 1: So you’re from WE DO GOOD, right?
– Guy 2: “Not at all! I thought you were yourself! “
– Akli, amused: “I am! Don’t worry, there’s always someone from WE DO GOOD near by! “
In the end, we all do have a little part of WE DO GOOD in ourselves 😉

The project evaluation and investment statistics
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