This project is handled by Laure Valentin

Impacts (know more) : conserving resources, reducing pollution, economic and employment development

/ Return on investment /

0 % of the revenue generated
I.e. in total 0(gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Targeted return on investment:
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
Risk of losing the entire investment. Maximum return on investment: x3.
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.

/ Presentation /



Do you know about food waste?
Well, you should know that the waste of manufactured products is also a scourge.

Why ? Most of the unpacked products brought back to the store for exchange or refund do not end up on the shelves, but in the dumpster.
The destruction and recycling of products is a waste that will no longer be guaranteed from the end of 2021 with the AGEC law (anti-waste) led by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

Keep in mind!
+650 million euros of products are destroyed in France (on average 3 products / 100),

10% increase each year in product returns, meaning that today 1/4 products are returned.

Our mission: fighting against non-food waste
1 unsold item * = 1 local user

The Circlely Project founded by Laure, Sébastien and Yilor, is based on a strong ambition: to provide a digital solution to create networks between local economic representatives in order to reduce their environmental impact.

🏆 First CIRCLELY success

2021 is rocking thanks to the support of Boulanger Angoulins (our French version of Best Buy, not the bread store 🙂 ) for being the group’s CSR referent and the first customer who belongs to a group of 150 nationwide retail stores specialized in-home appliance electronic product.

We need you! To speed up our marketing and to set our business development team. We are asking our loved ones, our families, our friends, our mentors, our ambassadors for help with this fundraiser!

* An unsold product could be a customer return, open box, with a visual defect, damaged but functional item.

Our Environmental Impact

Initiate ecological transition and reuse by limiting waste thanks to the user-friendly digital application.

Your Impact

In order to sustain our company, we need cashflow (WCR).
By participating in this campaign, you are helping us raise € 30,000 in order for us to qualify for a € 100k bank loan.

This money will allow us :

  1. to develop the marketing of the application through 2 sales forces Grégoire & Thibault, experts in the field of distribution,
  2. to continue to improve and evolve our platforms and also to reward the developers who have been working for us for free so far,
  3. to hire 2 people (marketing/customer success) by the end of the year and to allow us to continue our mission.

In Summary

> Circlely is a professional application
which allows you to broadcast locally your unsold item to sell or to give.

> Circlely communication tool
distribution on numerous market places and social networks to increase the visibility of unsold products locally.

> Circlely facilitator of donations
Automation of donations to local associations and resource centers and save time in the fight against waste.

Yisela Solution is a mission-driven company with ESUS (Solidarity Company of Social Utility) approval.
Yisela Solution C Corporation was created in February 2020 with a share capital of € 10,000, it is represented by Laure, Sébastien and Yilor who own 100% of the company’s shares.
Circlely is the name given to the application, developed by SAS Yisela Solution (inpi repository, BOPI 2019-44).



Positive impacts

Our comittment

Fighting against manufactured product waste by offering to consumers and retailers a responsible and local circular economy approach.

Thanks to its innovative app dedicated to professionals, Circlely makes it easy for everyone to access a wide choice of local products doomed to destruction through stores.

Who said that the personal interests of a consumer, or the economic interests of a business are incompatible with environmental logic?

Circlely strives to meet the three pillars of sustainable development (social, environmental, economic).

The practicality of the app leads any player in the distribution to offer a new life to products doomed to destruction:
– by offering more responsible consumption
– or by giving them.

In all cases, the professional, the local economy (consumer/association), and the environment are winners.

This is why Circlely wants to participate in the paradigm shift: to change the habits of medium and large retailers by actively participating in the ecological transition, avoiding waste, and preserving resources.

Individual awareness is materialized by simple and concrete actions, primarily on a local scale: this is the primary function of the application.

Circlely has no other ambition than to contribute and fuel reflection on a better tomorrow by inventing new ways of consuming “smart”, by empowering consumers and sellers within an approach where everyone has to gain, both individually and collectively.

Circlely is also committed as a company to an environmental approach.



Our Target

> 2021 :

40 stores various brands, branches, and/or franchises in the sectors: household appliances & multimedia, DIY & tools, and auto mechanics.

Our favorite areas are Nouvelle Aquitaine, Loire Atlantique, and PACA with whom we have created “links” with the various local public & private players (town halls, CCIs, and other organizations) which give us access to numerous contacts of potential clients.

> 2022 :

Being nationwide and West Europe through chain stores acquired during 2021. 

> 2023 – 2025 :

Diversify business sectors


> January 2021

🚀 We are launching our first customer with the CSR pilot store for the Boulanger brand.

We created the first Circlely ecosystem in Charente Maritime (South West of France), bringing together a distribution professional and a network of associations.

> En 2020…

More than an MVP, we have developed the Circlely application, joined 2 new incubators, and found our 1st client :  

💪 StartUs Up in partnership with the United States Embassy, coached by Olympic boxing champion Sarah Ourahmoune.

💖 “Coup de cœur” les Audacieuses  with la Ruche incubator as nationwide positive impact company. 

Set up our first POC (Proof Of Concept) with the La Matière resource center, a pioneer in the reuse of furniture products in New Aquitaine.

> In 2019…

We have presented our idea at the Digital Trophy organized by the CCI28 where we were the winner. (just right here).
We presented ourselves 3 months later to the competition of Paris Tech/schools of Mines 10th edition, for the trophy of IMT Starter.  We won in the🥇POSITIVE IMPACT  and 🏆 “Grand Gagnant” all categories 2020

These victories gave us wings and a quality support with coaches who pushed us.

🏋️‍♂️We have formed an experienced team and generous people to help us on a voluntary basis which allowed us to develop our project.


Financial data


Method of financing: investment in royalties
Duration of investment: 5 years
Percentage of turnover paid each quarter: 0.3% maximum (for € 30,000 raised)
Targeted profitability: + 103.26% gross in 5 years (risk of full loss of the investment, maximum gain: x 3)

We have already raised 19,000 euros, including 7,000 euros in personal contributions from the team, 2,000 euros in grants and 10,000 euros in services. We will inject € 20,000 into the shareholders’ current account during the first quarter of 2021.


Years Y+1 Y+2 Y+3 Y+4 Y+5
Forecast Turnover 70 000
600 000 3 000 000 6 000 000 10 000 000

Our forecast turnover is based on the sale of 44 services in 2021


By investing, you subscribe with Yisela Solution to a royalty on the company’s turnover, proportional to your investment. The total number of investors will receive 0.31% of the turnover achieved each year for fundraising of € 30,000.

If Yisela Solution achieves its forecast, the return for each investor will be + 103.26% gross in 5 years, i.e. x 2.03.

  • What happens if the forecast is not reached?
    In the event that the forecast is not reached after 5 years and the activity continues, Yisela Solution will continue to pay the royalties until full reimbursement of the amount invested.
  • When do the payments start?
    The Royalty is sold over a period of 5 years from 07/01/2021 and will be paid to investors each quarter.

Provisional table of payments:

Ce tableau sera directement mis à jour par WE DO GOOD.

Dates de versement Rémunération estimée sur les revenus de :
10/04/2018 Janvier, février, mars 2018

Please note: these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It is up to you to evaluate the forecast and the strategy to estimate whether you can expect to earn more or less than the announced annual return. Do not hesitate to contact us. Your maximum risk is the full loss of your investment and your maximum gain is 3 times your original investment.


Main risk factors that can be identified and linked to the project:

  • Change management: immature market, difficult internal acceptance.
  • HR: departure of one of the founders and difficulty in recruiting
  • Financial: difficulty in finding financing, slowdown in IT and commercial developments

Risk related to the financial situation of the company Yisela Solution.
Currently, before the completion of the fundraising for this offer, the company does not have sufficient networth capital to meet its cash requirements for the next 6 months.

Funding sources studied:

  • 1st quarter 2021: Bank loan up to 100 K € (in progress)
  • 3rd quarter 2021: Business angel for an investment of 100 K €
  • 2022: fundraising of 400 k €

N.B .: over time, new risks may appear and those presented may change.

To receive our detailed business plan, contact us at

















Et un grand merci, à Tino et Mario qui nous accompagnent sur le développement de l’application mobile.



The project evaluation and investment statistics

Investments signe plus

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