This project is handled by HV Corp.

Impacts (know more) : economic and employment development
Our ambition: Expand the offer for French craftsmen by facilitating access to new products from neighboring countries.

/ Return on investment /

0 % of the revenue generated
I.e. in total 0(gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Targeted return on investment:
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
Risk of losing the entire investment. Maximum return on investment: x5.
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.

/ Presentation /



French craftsmen and professionals buy online!

Today, there are 17 million French DIYers and craftsmen connected.

This represents 2.5 billion euros for the online DIY market in 2020.



Our company has been supporting international producers of professional equipment for more than 2 years for their sale to France.

In our business strategy for these companies, we use digital channels, including selling on e-commerce sites. On these sites initially created for a professional target, we noticed the interest of freelancers and individuals for professional products. In view of the very satisfactory results, we concluded that the online sale of these professional products is in high demand in France.

Bringing together all of these products on a single MarketPlace platform,, and offering this new offer to French consumers with appropriate communication, will optimize purchases and increase the number of collaborations with producers in Eastern Europe.

In short, our Mission: To provide French DIY enthusiasts and craftsmen with a reassuring platform to buy quality tools and equipment at the best prices, from Eastern Europe.

A concrete example:

In summary:

The objective is to offer a secure online sales platform suitable for French people.

With, we want to offer French consumers access to a catalog of professional products to which they currently do not have access, which are cheaper and of excellent quality, made in Eastern Europe.





We wish to raise between € 75,000 and € 100,000 for the development of the platform

A return on investment commensurate with this project:

In exchange for your investment, you receive a share of Azoutils’s turnover every quarter for 5 years.
All investors will receive 3% of turnover. Your share will be proportional to your investment.

In view of the market potential, this project can experience good growth which will bring you up to x5 of your initial investment!

Also you can observe the exponential growth of our forecast turnover, which has been calculated at the minimum of the potential of the project.

With your participation, we intend to further develop this potential so that we are all winners in this adventure!

Details of funding needs:
Website development 23 000€
Communication and marketing (Non-Media and digital space purchase) 30 000€
Legal supports (Protection of the buyer, seller and platform) 12 000€
Human resources (After-sales service) 35 000€
TOTAL 100 000€



HV Corp. is the company that is developing this project. We are an SARL created in 2019 with a share capital of 1000 €. This is represented by Iliess Hameur and Evgeniy Vlassenko, the two founders of the company and of this project.


Positive impacts

The main objective of Azoutils project is to boost French professional activities by offering a catalog of exclusive, varied and less expensive equipment.


We wish to participate in economic development as a French Start-Up that hiring and promotes the skills of its teams. Our ambition is to create more than 30 jobs over the next 5 years.

We also want to promote external jobs by collaborating with French SMEs and self-employed in the field of digital development, communication and logistics.

These jobs will be distributed in various fields such as: Community management, Commercial prospecting, Logistics services, After-sales services, Digital development, Creative space, Web maintenance, Legal service.

It is by offering a 100% digital service at the beginning that we intend to overcome the obstacles linked to the Covid-19 crisis. Jobs will thus be protected by making it easier to set up teleworking. And craftsmen and professionals will be able to equip themselves directly online without having to go to the store.

This project explores an under-exploited market in France, the Eastern European market. This market represents many advantages for the French professionals, in terms of attractive prices, new products and quality. But it is also an opportunity for these small to medium-sized manufacturers in Eastern Europe to compete with large groups by offering their alternative products of equivalent quality.

We also place importance on the transparency of trade with these companies. We position ourselves as intermediaries, to guarantee the French buyer security throughout the order and during each communication with the seller.

The business model based on the commission allows the smallest producers to market serenely on the platform by remunerating us only on the results. It is therefore a quid pro quo that is created to develop everyone’s visibility.


To enrich the team, we want to surround ourselves with competent profiles from all walks of life. Especially young talents, during or after leaving their studies, who for the most part are affected by the lack of job offers when they enter the world of work.

We also want to establish openness towards training and skills development for our teams, to continuously innovate and always offer up-to-date services.

Through this platform, we seek to create a digital community of craftsmen and professionals, who help and advise each other.

This will give greater visibility to the platform, allow these enthusiasts to enjoy benefits, while developing and modernizing the community of the world of DIY and crafts.


The Covid-19 crisis has affected many professions. We want to react by creating a modular and flexible working environment, which offers the possibility of teleworking at any time, with the provision of the same tools that we can find in a physical office.



Our ambition is strong, we want to gain the confidence of the French professional market with products from neighboring countries.

To easily open access to French consumers to a new alternative market, cheaper and of excellent quality, We will cross the specific needs of consumers with material proposals from our sellers present on the platform.



The choice in the professional and DIY field is wide and varied on the Internet.

This market currently represents 2.5 billion euros in France

There are many marketplaces and resale sites and we can draw two representative types: AliBaba and ManoMano.

To face the AliBaba competitor type – inexpensive Asian products but of uncertain qualities: It will be necessary to humanize, translate and adapt the user experience for a 100% French-speaking target (no robot translation)

To face the ManoMano competitor type – branded products at attractive prices but not specific enough for craftsmen: It will be necessary to offer alternative and different products, with advantageous prices and a product quality superior to the general public markets.

The objective is to diversify the offer by offering more products that are less present and more specialized (Example: Equipment for craftsmen in the food sector, Renewable energy operating system, machinery for small production workshops, etc.)



The marketplace model is a so-called “two-sided market” model on which the companies that will constitute the offer (the sellers) and the end consumers who will buy the products (the buyers) are put in touch.

The sellers:

Companies producing and marketing professional equipment, which are based in Eastern Europe.

By way of illustration, on the directory site (on which our target sellers are strongly present) it is listed, in Eastern Europe:

  • 22,293 potential companies in the sector “Machine tools and equipment.”

  • 19,802 potential companies in the “Handicrafts and raw materials” sector

  • 11,733 potential companies in the “Electrical and electronic equipment” sector

  • 16,146 potential companies in the “Building and public works” sector

This is without counting companies that are not yet digital.

The buyers:

An exclusively French-speaking audience made up of professional craftsmen, private DIY enthusiasts and small to medium-sized businesses. An estimated audience of 17 million Internet users.

Our main target according to Facebook Business: An audience made up of “Artisans”, with a center of interest “DIY”, with “active buyers on the web” behavior in France constitutes 4,300,000 people potentially buyers.

Our core target is an audience of buyers who are looking for a cheaper alternative of the same quality as the products of major European or American brands. According to Facebook Business, this audience represents approximately 1,600,000 people.



Our communication objectives are simple and stand out on 3 pillars.

– Notoriety: our objective is to be present mainly on digital, on social networks but also on numerous professional events to show that the platform is functional to meet the needs of the French in terms of alternative offer of professional equipment. The idea is to show our presence and educate Internet users on the advantages, the savings, the simplicity but above all the quality of the products.

– Activation: once convinced, these Internet users must become active users of the service.

– Commitment: the aim is to make users loyal to the platform, but also to make each buyer an ambassador of the platform and rewarding word of mouth.

The marketing strategy is distinguished in two parts: 

Communication with the buyer & communication with the seller

1. Platform-Buyer communication axis

It comes in the form of 3 fundamental questions to be answered:

  • The promise: the promise of a lower cost and a high-quality product.
  • Proof: Highlighting quality products at cheaper prices compared to the prices of major brands (Comparison).
  • The tone: Reassuring, Professional, Closeness to the target.

Communication strategy

Our communication strategy is based on the following pillars:

– Modern visual identity that inspires confidence

– Web actions: SEA banners, SEO referencing, presence on SMM social networks.

– Website & mobile application

– Events: trade fair stands, presentation conferences

– Public relations: We also rely on the specialized press to make us known.


2. Platform-Seller communication axis

It comes in the form of 3 fundamental questions to be answered:

  • The promise: the promise to market the production on the French-speaking market with a more suitable target in terms of purchasing power.
  • Proof: Promotion of appropriate communication (language and culture) for a local target.
  • The tone: Reassuring, Professional, Closeness to the target.

Communication strategy

Our communication strategy is based on the following pillars:

– Direct marketing: Prospecting in the same language as our future partner

– Visual identity adapted to a specialized target

– Events: trade fair stands, presentation conferences

– Web actions: Mailing, SEA banners, SEO referencing, presence on SMM social networks.

– Website & mobile application

– Public relations: We are also counting on influential local partnerships which we will promote to our target.







Financial data

Financing method: investment in royalties
Duration of investment: 5 years
Percentage of turnover paid each quarter: 3% maximum (for 100,000 € raised)

The greater the amount raised, the greater the turnover and therefore the profitability of investors!

Targeted profitability: + 383.66% gross in 5 years (risk of full loss of the investment, maximum gain: x5)
Risk: … (assessed by Internet users during the assessment phase)

We have already gathered 7,500 euros in personal contributions from the team and 5,800 euros in work materials.



Years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Provisional turnover

324 600 €

1 275 953 €

2 460 761 €

4 628 365 €

7 432 144 €

Our forecast turnover is calculated at the minimum of the potential of the project. It can evolve in an increasing way according to the amount raised and reinjected in the targeted advertising.



By investing, you are subscribing to HV Corp. a royalty on the company’s turnover, proportional to your investment. The total number of investors will receive 3% of the turnover achieved each year for a fundraising of 100,000 €.

If HV Corp. with its project achieves its forecast, the return for each investor will be + 383.66% in 5 years.

What happens if the forecast is not reached?

In the event that the forecast is not reached after 5 years and the activity continues, HV Corp. will continue to pay the royalties until full repayment of the amount invested.

When do the payments start?

The Royalty is sold over a period of 5 years from 01/01/2022 and will be paid to investors each quarter.

Provisional table of payments:

Payment dates Estimated compensation based on the income of:
15/04/2022 January, February, March 2022
15/07/2022 April, May, June 2022
15/10/2022 July, August, September 2022
15/01/2023 October, November, December 2022
15/04/2023 January, February, March 2023
15/07/2023 April, May, June 2023
15/10/2023 July, August, September 2023
15/01/2024 October, November, December 2023
15/04/2024 January, February, March 2024
15/07/2024 April, May, June 2024
15/10/2024 July, August, September 2024
15/01/2025 October, November, December 2024
15/04/2025 January, February, March 2025
15/07/2025 April, May, June 2025
15/10/2025 July, August, September 2025
15/01/2026 October, November, December 2025
15/04/2026 January, February, March 2026
15/07/2026 April, May, June 2026
15/10/2026 July, August, September 2026
15/01/2027 October, November, December 2026

Please note: these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It is up to you to evaluate the forecast and the strategy to estimate whether you can expect to earn more or less than the announced annual return. Do not hesitate to contact us. Your maximum risk is the full loss of your investment, and you get back at best three times your investment.



Main risk factors related to the activity and the project:

  • Non-adherence of users to the platform: The diversification of the products and functionalities of the site will be elements which will give an additional interest to the users and will allow them to find products in adequacy with their criteria. That said, is an ambitious project that aims for mass adoption of users from its launch: to quickly federate a community of pro-active users and launch sales, we will be basing ourselves on a targeted marketing strategy. in 3 stages: Activation, Notoriety, Commitment. This strategy has already proven itself with successful experiences for our customers.
  • Non-adherence of sellers to the platform: HV Corp. currently working for companies in Eastern Europe for marketing to France. Collaboration is based on bringing in business with commissions on each sale made. We currently have 11 contracts signed with producer companies who have already expressed their intention to register and sell their products on the platform as soon as it is launched.
  • Product quality and seller reputation: The marketplace platform will only contain products authorized for sale in France. The sale of products is rigorously studied by our team before going online, to be consistent with the platform’s objectives.
  • Risk related to the financial situation of HV Corp: Currently, and since its creation, the company is already working with clients as business introducers. Prior to the completion of the fundraising of this offering, our company generates sufficient income, and has sufficient net working capital to meet its obligations and cash flow requirements for the next 6 months. In addition, the managers of the company have sufficient personal resources to exempt the expenses linked to the remuneration of the managers.

N.B .: over time, new risks may appear and those presented may change.




* * *

Iliess and Evgeniy started their collaboration at the end of their business school studies in 2018. They were able to combine their cultural and marketing skills to explore high potential markets. The marketplace is the result of many successful collaborations in the field of international digital marketing.



The project evaluation and investment statistics

Evaluations signe plus

Investments signe plus

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