Green Growth


Do you have an innovative project with a strong environmental impact? In addition to the advantages offered by WE DO GOOD, you can apply for the “Crowdfunding for Green Growth” label to improve the visibility of your fundraising.

Eligibility criteria :

Your project must be part of a “green” approach: renewable energies, sustainable agriculture, climate change, biodiversity or the circular economy.

Project leaders must also be transparent: they must commit to clearly informing investors about the progress of the project as well as the environmental and social impacts that are targeted.

What exactly is a “Crowdfunding for Green Growth” label?

At the initiative of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and the Financement Participatif France association, the “Crowdfunding for Green Growth” label was launched to promote ecological projects on crowdfunding platforms. This system follows the creation in 2015 of the “Energy and ecological transition for the climate” label, dedicated to investment funds.

The label directs funding towards projects contributing to ecological and energy transition in the regions, and therefore to a low carbon economy. It concerns all forms of crowdfunding (donation, loan, capital, bonds, royalties and minibons) and targets “green” projects hosted on crowdfunding platforms.

The right to certify is delegated by the Ministry to crowdfunding platforms that have requested it, of which WE DO GOOD has been a part since November 2017.

The objectives of this label are threefold:

Promote crowdfunding for projects working in favor of energy and ecological transition

Guarantee the transparency of the project to the general public and our investors on the platform

Provide information on the environmental quality of the project

WE DO GOOD has enabled us to have our “Funding for green growth” campaign labeled by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and this communication focused on our objective of the food revolution has helped us a lot. Everything was consistent with the La Charrette project and its image in our community.

Marie and Laura Giacherio, La Charrette


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