This project is handled by BIOMAREL

Impacts (know more) : working conditions, living conditions, social cohesion, economic and employment development
Disability is not a choice but to equip oneself is. We hope to give the most vulnerable people a minimum of autonomy thanks to technology.

/ Return on investment /

0 % of the revenue generated
I.e. in total 0(gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Targeted return on investment:
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
Risk of losing the entire investment. Maximum return on investment: x3.
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.

/ Presentation /




It all started with a meeting with a person suffering from Charcot’s disease (6,000 people in France) in 2016. Talking to her husband, he explains that he is trying to communicate with his wife using the computer using a small technological device (“contactors”) to connect to a computer system and move the mouse or click.

Unfortunately none of the existing devices were sufficiently adapted to his wife’s disability when using the computer and it was even necessary to change devices if one wanted to use a smartphone. So, with Jonathan Guyon, my partner, I decided to develop a multifunction device (one moves and clicks) adapted and adaptable to the evolution of pathology and especially compatible all systems.

As long as we do not face disability we do not realize that communicating is essential and is a vital need.

Indeed, she is deprived of her right to share with others, to educate herself, to connect with her family, the world.

Her first word: thank you. This thank you was a click. We decided to make the device accessible to other people and expanded our target to people with motor disabilities with reduced mobility of the upper limbs, which represents more than 700,000 people in Europe.

Did you know?

Today, 1 in 6 people have a disability, which represents more than 1.3 billion people worldwide. Of these 1.3 billion people, 30% have motor disabilities, 2% of whom have difficulty communicating with their loved ones.

In an ultra connected society, this means that more than 5 million people can not communicate properly and feel sidelined.

To give them the opportunity to communicate, to have access to work, to culture, we have developed a means of access to technology: the BMconnect.


Our BMCONNECT is an ergonomic and discreet, wireless medical device, categorized as a communication aid, compatible on all computer media (computers, tablets, smartphones, nurse ringing) and under all systems (Windows, Linux, Apple, Android). It allows people with disabilities to use existing technology using only their head. Indeed, the displacement of the head thanks to the gyroscope makes it possible to emulate the displacement on the computer system and to click with the eyebrow, the chin, or the breath with the help of one of our contactors to the choices.

Our device is scalable with the user and is sold in kit with a gyroscope and 3 contactors, adapted and adaptable to all depending on the stage and disability.

The BMCONNECT has already been tested on people with different pathologies: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, locked-in syndrom, atrophy or malformation, following a stroke, quadriplegic, reduced mobility of the upper limbs.





We want to raise at least € 100,000 to finance the end of the software R & D.

Return on investment

In exchange for your investment, you receive quarterly a share of the turnover of BIOMAREL during 5 years.
All investors will receive 5.5% of turnover for € 200,000 (maximum) invested. Your share will be proportional to your investment.

Details of financing needs


BIOMAREL is a simplified joint-stock company created in 2018 with a share capital of € 10,000. It is represented by Leslie Marel and Jonathan Guyon who hold respectively 60% and 40% of the shares of the company.

It is headquartered in Fresnes (94) in Île-de-France and is registered at RCS Créteil under number 839 485 265.

It is accompanied by Wilco Healthcare, an accelerator specialized in health, and hosted at the Silver-Innov business incubator in Ivry-sur-Seine (94).


Positive impacts

BMconnect’s mission is to enable people with motor disabilities who have reduced mobility of upper limbs and difficulty communicating to be able to communicate, access culture, find a job, learn and regain their independence. Our values are inclusion and autonomy: we want to include people with disabilities in society, to make autonomy accessible to as many people as possible.


Working conditions

We are improving the working conditions of all disabled people who have a sedentary job or as an independent disabled worker by giving them the tool to access the computer. Thanks to the BMconnect they can use their face as a mouse which makes the use more ergonomic.

Living conditions

We are improving the living conditions of more than 5 million people with motor disabilities who have difficulty communicating, who are now excluded from society by giving them the means to connect to home automation to lower the electric shutters during a heat wave episode , to read an article on global warming via the LeMonde application on their iPad, to consult job offers on the computer, to respond to an MMS from a nephew who returns from the carnival of London, to read the last Harry Potter on the Amazon Kindle. This is a daily that we want to promise and allow the most fragile people.

Social link

We improve the social link for people with disabilities by enabling them to communicate with their family via social networks, learn about the latest news, and simply feel included in society.

Access to employment

  • 2 times more unemployment

The unemployment rate for the disabled in France is still twice that of the valids. Despite the “quota” of 6% of disabled workers imposed on businesses since 2005, the unemployment rate of people with disabilities remains at 19%. There are also more and more people with disabilities in the workforce.

  • 100,000 jobs by 2022

On July 12, 2018, a national commitment was signed by Muriel Pénicaud, Minister of Labor, and Sophie Cluzel, Secretary of State for Persons with Disabilities. Their goal ? Support companies to enable them to play a major role in reducing unemployment for people with disabilities. A total of 100,000 additional jobs will be created by 2022, including 40,000 jobs in adapted enterprises, whose specificity is to employ at least 80% of workers with disabilities.

Thanks to our BMconnect, these people could telework and offer their service either as an independent disabled worker or as an employee.


To support the growth of our company we plan to create by the end of 2024 a minimum of 5 full-time positions.



BMconnect offers the easiest way to use existing technology and reconnect to the society.


In the market of 1.3 billion people with disabilities we position ourselves on the motor disability that represents more than 390 million people in the world and we address those with reduced mobility of the upper limbs associated with a communication disorder which represents more than 5 million people.

Our clients are rehabilitation centers, hospitals and clinics, specialized reception centers, patient associations and individuals.

The BMconnect differs from its competitors by several criteria:

  • Reliability: no false detection in the sensors.
  • Sensor sensitivity: we can detect even the smallest movements. We use the latest technology for each component of our device.
  • Its ability to be multifunctional: several possible sensors, no need to tinker or use 1 solution to move and 1 solution to click. Move the cursor and click in a single product.
  • Its ability to be used on all systems: Windows, Apple, Linux, Android. You can switch from a computer to a tablet without buying another device.
  • Its adaptability: a single software to adjust each sensor to adapt to a state of tiredness and a better performance the next day. Because it’s the technology to adapt and not the man.
  • Its accessibility: a single price €999 HT. You no longer need to buy a device to “move” the slider above €1000  then a sensor to “click” above €400. If we had to add each of our sensors by taking the reference of the prices currently practiced on the market we would exceed the €1600 HT minimum.


  • The offer

A BMconnect is sold as a kit including a gyroscope, 2 sensors (an optical, a breath / mechanical), a USB key, a cable for recharging, an additional battery, a headband.

The price: €999 HT -> €1,148  All Tax Included

We also offer a guarantee of one year renewable (option) €149 All Tax Included allowing to benefit from a replacement to new of the device in case of breakdown during the use, an access to an online chat to solve a difficulty, explained under tutorial form for carers, access to a telephone number and a contact for help with setting up if necessary.


  • Project Resources:

We have 4 full time worker:

Jonathan Guyon: technical development

Elodie Ramel: commercial, marketing and community manager

Leslie Marel: Presidency, responsible for managing the company, funding and partnerships

Célia Bessaoud: apprentice in electronics for 1 year

A trainee in computer science for software development.

  • Our partners:
    • We are accompanied by WILCO Healthcare, a business accelerator and the SILVER INNOV business incubator.
    • We manufacture in France our device
    • We establish partnerships with structures specialized in disability:
      • HACTIVE: co-working space for disabled person
      • HANDIEASY: Company marketing flexible arms for wheelchairs
      • Patient associations and rehabilitation centers to establish our testers


The outlook for the project is the international sale with penetration of the Canadian market, and American within 2 years.

Our future ambitions are to be able to develop other medical devices for all handicaps combined in order to make autonomy accessible to the greatest number.



Financial data

Financing method: investment in royalties
Duration of the investment: 5 years
Percentage of turnover paid each quarter: 5.5% maximum (for € 200,000 raised)
Targeted profitability: 110% gross in 5 years (risk of total loss of investment, maximum gain: x 3)
Risk: being estimated (assessed by the users during the evaluation phase to come)

We have already raised € 189,000, including € 10,000 in personal contributions from the team, € 119,000 in grants and € 60,000 in bank loans.


Years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Forecast revenue € 170,000 € 380,000 € 1,198,000 € 2,559,000 € 3,296,700

Our projected sales are based on the sale of 7,600 products in 5 years.


By investing, you subscribe to BIOMAREL a royalty on the turnover of the company, proportional to your investment. The total investors will receive 5.5% of the turnover achieved each year for a fundraising of € 200,000.

If BIOMAREL realizes its forecast, the return for each investor will be 110% gross in 5 years.

What happens if the forecast is not achieved?

If the forecast is not reached after 5 years and the activity continues, BIOMAREL will continue to pay the royalties until full repayment of the amount invested.

When do payments begin?

The Fee is sold for a period of 5 years from 01/04/2020 and will be paid to investors quarterly.

Forecast table of payments:

Payment dates Estimated earnings from:
15/07/2020 April, May, June 2020
 15/10/2020 July, August, September 2020
15/01/2021 October, November, December 2020
15/04/2021 January, February, March 2021
Etc. Etc.

Warning : these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It is up to you to evaluate the forecast and the strategy to estimate if you can expect to earn more or less than the annual yield announced. Do not hesitate to contact us. Your maximum risk is the complete loss of your investment, and you are at best double your investment.


Main risk factors related to the activity and the project:

  • A customer default: to prevent this risk we already have pre-orders and we continue to expand our customer book thanks to the communication made by our early-adopters.
  • Increasing innovation in the medical sector: to prevent this risk, we are improving our BMconnect device to keep up with the evolution of technology. In addition, we plan to develop different devices for all disabilities which allows us to always innovate.
  • Increasing competition in the disability sector: thanks to the communication made by patient associations, we are gaining notoriety and we stand out from our competitors.
  • Difficulty to penetrate the European market: we will set up partnerships with patient associations from each European country. The goal is to use the sales channel specific to each country.
  • Technical difficulty in the development of sensors: each of the sensors is a state-of-the-art technology that requires specific technical skills and we have within our team all the resources necessary for the good development of our product.
  • Risk related to the financial situation of BIOMAREL: currently, before the completion of the fundraising of this offer, the company has a net working capital sufficient to meet its obligations and its cash flow requirements for the next 6 months. Funding sources under consideration for the project presented for the next 6 months: Public subsidy, self-financing services.

To receive our detailed business plan, contact us at



Beyond the project, there is a team always ready to excel to make autonomy accessible to all.

Leslie Marel, Jonathan Guyon, Elodie Ramel and Célia Bessaoud develop the BMconnect to allow the most vulnerable people to feel included in an ultra connected society.

Leslie Marel – President and Co-founder

I am a biology engineer with 4 years experience in medical research laboratory. I like to tell myself that science is a culmination of the human intellect. We must make every effort to ensure that scientific and technological knowledge allows us to improve the daily life of Man. Technology is a valuable tool that can, in good hands, be of great use.
After sharing my time on the bench the week and my weekends on projects Biomarel I decided to enter the large family of full-time entrepreneurs in September 2018.




Jonathan Guyon – Co-founder – Chief Technical Officer 

I hold a DUT in Computer and Industrial Electronics Engineering from the University Institute of Technology in Cachan.
With a 5 years experience in biotechnology design offices, I have been Freelance and have participated in various projects but always more innovative.
I learned that the absolute quality is to know how to listen to know how to speak. My ambition has no diploma and is an engine for my career. I join Biomarel from May 2018 to its creation.



Elodie Ramel – Commercial attaché

I have a background in management and accounting but also self-taught in new technologies. I decided to join Biomarel in June 2018 to promote our projects beyond our borders and actively participate in the growth of the company. I take care of all the marketing part within the company.




Célia Bessaoud – Apprentice in electronics

I hold a DUT in Computer and Industrial Electronics Engineering from I.U.T Cachan. Following my internship at the end of the year at Biomarel I decided to do my Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical apprenticeship with them. I manage the electronic part with Jonathan Guyon.




BIOMAREL won the innovation category of the Créatrices d’Avenir competition organized by Initiative Île-de-France in 2018.

In 2019, we were winners of the Createst competition and finalists for Galilée’s 697IA program.



The project evaluation and investment statistics

Evaluations signe plus

Investments signe plus

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